Example sentences of "always [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Descending broken rock requires a nimble style , with the emphasis on sure footwork and the hands always placed for balance and as security in the event of a slip .
2 Although arbitrary , this size limit can be related to the idea of morphological capacity since craters below this size are normally a constructional component of strato-volcanoes , whereas those above are nearly always formed by subsidence and collapse following catastrophic eruptions .
3 to me , electric , the plus always goes to plus and the minus to minus , you ca n't mix them up .
4 They had always relied on speed and skill in horsemanship , which enabled them to dash in upon their adversaries , fire off a salvo from their short but deadly bows , and then retreat before any reprisal .
5 Traditionally the chain has always relied on hardware and ironmongery sales .
6 In countries where the political history or the voting system produces a myriad of parties , these are nearly always grouped into government and opposition .
7 A horrible series of futile uprisings against impossible odds and always ending in butchery and defeat for the rebels .
8 They regarded themselves , however fallaciously , as light-skinned ; in their paintings they were invariably shown full face and almost white , whereas their enemies were always depicted in profile and black , unless they were Europeans .
9 I 've always suffered with claustrophobia and swimming in a dark enclosed space has done nothing to improve it .
10 I did n't know Basil very much but I shall always remember with joy and gratitude that painting course at Grantly Hall — what fun it was .
11 At first she was n't so keen , always complaining of tiredness or soreness or emotional unease ; but these days , as Odilo says again and again to all his friends ( and the compliment , I think , is pitched decorously high ) , she bangs like a shithouse door in a gale .
12 It was a boarding-house where foreigners and theatrical folk lived in upstairs rooms and the kitchens always smelt of stew and roasting meat , currant buns and freshly baked bread .
13 I know , but I always talk about telly or Madonna .
14 And so Harrison of Caldbeck and Robinson of Buttermere — wrestlers were always known by name and village both — were circling about each other 's conversation trying for a grip .
15 I was always greeted with warmth and affection .
16 They were sitting opposite each other in their usual places at the rectangular dinner table Katherine always set with tablecloth and candles and fresh flowers .
17 But this front-runner has always battled with gameness and gets plenty of weight from Midnight Madness , a previous winner of this race .
18 Do they always pay on time or are they like everyone else ?
19 It is , as Lord Renton pointed out in an address to this Society in 1990 , too much to ask that legislation should always be expressed simply ; for the complexities of modern life do not always admit of simplicity and we can not afford , in providing a code of conduct , to sacrifice certainty to simplicity .
20 However it does not always go by size but depends on the subject , as Foujita 's young girls cost much more , and the year in which it was painted makes a difference in price .
21 Broad shoulders are always associated with strength and are very impressive .
22 Worse still , the teams always play in blue and red , and you do n't even know which side 's which until one scores !
23 The only Excuse me , er no , we even had Abbot , A double B , er did n't always get in front but I think it should have done you know , you take the first letter and then you take the .
24 The area health authority and Department of Health and Social Security on the other hand contended that under the common law a minor of sufficient intelligence and understanding could always consent to treatment and that the effect of section 8 was to produce an irrebuttable presumption that a child of 16 or 17 had such intelligence and understanding .
25 At one crowded meeting a British soldier got up and said , ‘ Why is it that you Burmese are always talking about independence and self-government ?
26 You complain how seldom I attend you , and when you are always talking of matrimony or this low-born raw girl it must needs lessen the pleasure of approaching you .
27 ‘ This force has always existed within Nature and has been worshipped by human beings in various forms for aeons .
28 ‘ They should always check for identification and following the incident should not disclose anything to anyone without first checking with their bank direct . ’
29 The Marxists , by contrast , had only been able to build a viable organization , under the name of the British Socialist Party , for a few years before 1914 and were always bedevilled by sectarianism and schism .
30 He was always tempted by abstraction and idealism ( Rossi , 1975 , p. 117 ) .
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