Example sentences of "always [verb] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I always asked people in the streets or markets if they minded my drawing from a certain position .
2 The word ‘ theory ’ has always aroused suspicion amongst the English , who see themselves as practical people and sound empiricists .
3 Wild animals have always formed part of the diet , depending on the existence of any natural habitat in the locality of the settlement .
4 ‘ The people of the Cévennes have always given refuge to the oppressed . ’
5 James and his immediate circle had always regarded Scotland as a sideshow and while Mar , Mackintosh and Forster were engaging in their bloodless manoeuvring in the north , he had despatched the Duke of Ormonde [ or Ormond ] to make another attempt in the south-west .
6 They always , they always lag as you know , our , our , we always underspend capital in the first half against what our division think they 're gon na do and they always think they 're gon na catch it up in the second half , they never do but erm , it wo n't be , you know , it wo n't be materially different .
7 A. T. You always got respect from the people on the ground .
8 Far from being inclined towards self-righteousness , the Pharisees taught ‘ Be humble before all men ’ , and revered their teacher Hillel for his extreme humility ; and far from being judgemental , they urged ‘ Do not judge your fellow man until you are in his position ’ and ‘ Always judge others by the scale of merit ( that is , charitably ) ’ .
9 Always make cuts at a slightly sloping angle — as shown in the sketch , and never at an angle that would allow rain , dew , and heavy moisture to lie on the open cut .
10 And as orchestras , even good ones , always Make mistakes in the same places , you carry over a lot of experience .
11 However this teacher did comment that some of his colleagues in other schools were less happy with the change in emphasis , largely because they had always taught music as the development of a range of performance and theoretical skills , and were frightened by the stress the new syllabuses were putting upon improvisation and composition :
12 I personally have always liked the one-hundred-per-cent aspect of life ; I have always enjoyed life at the extremes .
13 Black people have always known racial violence to be a criminal offence and Black people always reported incidents to the police .
14 As a result , I have always reported concerns to the various Ministers ultimately responsible for the prison and have obtained responses .
15 He always found room for a long line of sweet peas ; it gave him immense pleasure to pick an armful of these , take them home , present them to Mum and fill the house with their glorious scent .
16 However , he always retained control over the issues that he regarded as most important ( which is not to say that they were necessarily the most important in an objective sense ) .
17 ‘ He always wants candles in the sitting-room when it 's dark , even though he 's blind . ’
18 You should always buy potatoes from a reputable supplier .
19 The user always has access to the machine .
20 In return , the Bank has guaranteed always to provide funds to the houses if , either as a result of these purchases or as a result of the rest of the monetary sector demanding repayment , the houses should find themselves short .
21 Always flatten angelica with the blade of a knife before using it for decoration .
22 Any work undertaken on an individual basis should always focus attention on the broader social context in which the individual lives .
23 It is very striking to note the way Pope John always claimed paternity of the idea of the Council .
24 The precise membership seems never to have been defined , though it has always included members of the county advisory staff , members of the Project Coordinating Team , teachers from project and non-project schools , teachers ' centre wardens , and DCSLs .
25 Primary elections have always person-alized politics to an excessive degree , but television has made the situation much worse .
26 But it is a reminder that the labour movement has always addressed issues of the quality of life as well as of material pragmatics .
27 Young writers have always felt part of an ignored generation .
28 ‘ We get between 40 and 80 people into the concert room midweek now , because trying something different will always bring people in the club . ’
29 Patrick had always seen Jane as a maid , she walked , talked and acted as a maid .
30 ‘ You are so sensible , you have always seen things in a clearer light . ’
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