Example sentences of "local [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1897 a petition from the North-Central Province noted that the local ratemahatmaya could influence the Government Agent through his control of the information supplied to that official , but that he could not determine the outcome of court cases .
2 But that kind of local gossip will ease the tension out of you .
3 The seasoned rockers and cabaret bores at the local pub would appreciate the fact they have travelled up and down the country , playing every decrepit club and hovel on the way .
4 The local plan will replace the existing local plans for Midlothian District .
5 The local plan will replace the existing local plans for Midlothian .
6 This local plan will replace the existing local plans for Midlothian District .
7 If the family allegiance to a particular sect changed then the whole local membership might follow the same path .
8 An environmental campaigner is demanding that Severn Trent Water should refund seven million pounds in charges because he claims it 's not doing its job properly.Julian Jones says the authority is failing to control pollution … and the local community could spend the money more wisely.And now he 's going to court to claim the water charges back .
9 It was , frequently , these groups that were responsible for worker takeovers for , if any of the firms in the area were still in the private sector , the local cordón would encourage the workers to take control .
10 The hope now is that the tour operators and the local population will seize the opportunity presented to the island .
11 In addition , the government believed that local taxation should reflect the role of local authorities as service providers .
12 If the police response is not what the unit is looking for , the local manager should contact the local duty inspector to attempt to find a solution .
13 In these cases an appropriate local authority may provide the service .
14 The local authority may require the landlord to enter into an agreement under s 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 .
15 A local authority may ask the court to make a specific issue or prohibited steps order under s8 if it is concerned about the welfare of a child who is not in care .
16 Whatever plans the local authority may have the court will have in mind the underlying philosophy of the Act that " children are best looked after within the family with both parents playing a full part and without resort to legal proceedings " ( Guidance , vol 1 , para 1.5 ) .
17 Section 100 prohibits the use of the wardship jurisdiction when a child is in care and severely restricts the circumstances in which a local authority may use the jurisdiction .
18 By s.95 failure to comply with a nuisance order without reasonable excuse , can result in a maximum fine of £2000 , plus a fine of £50 for each day on which the offence continues after conviction , or the local authority may abate the nuisance and do whatever is necessary to execute the order whereupon expenses can be recovered from the person by whose act or default the nuisance was caused .
19 I think it is absolutely plain that there is no possibility , that any local authority wherever Paul were living would find it possible to that he should cease to be a statement in child , it is quite clear , I think , that he is bound to remain a child with a statement of special educational needs , in those circumstances any local authority would have the statutory duty to provide for his education , either at or somewhere else and in practice it seems to me there is no reasonable possibility of his being moved from after he has spent , will it be probably more than four years there perhaps five years there , that I think is not a possibility which has to be catered for .
20 ‘ In summary she submitted that the local authority should bear the costs of the application of the father because at the time of his application the local authority either had access to all the information or they had access to all the information available to the guardian .
21 If this declaration is not made within two months of the day of election and delivered to the chief executive or clerk of the council within that two months then the office at the expiration of the two months automatically becomes vacant and the local authority must declare the office vacant and signify the vacancy by notice signed by the proper officer of the authority and affixed to the offices of the authority .
22 The local authority must complete the investigation and report back to the court within eight weeks unless the court directs otherwise .
23 In these cases the appropriate local authority must provide the service .
24 ( a ) Child at risk Under s47 a local authority must investigate the circumstances of any child who lives or is found in its area : ( i ) if informed that the child is the subject of an emergency protection order or is in police protection ; or ( ii ) it has reasonable cause to suspect that the child is suffering , or is likely to suffer , significant harm ( s47(1) ) .
25 Thus a local authority can innovate the design of a school building but the overall expenditure must fall within centrally de fined cost limits .
26 The controversy centres on the extent to which a local authority can use the private law provisions of the Children Act .
27 A lengthy statement by the Council of Representatives on Dec. 13 explained how the flexibility allowed by the new system of local government might accommodate the complexity of relationships between ethnic and linguistic groups .
28 The relationship between central government and local government further illustrates this point where local government will have the power to make policy and spend public money but within limits set by Parliament and central government .
29 Even so , the local historian may find the system of value particularly when examining rolls of arms in the county archive .
30 Resolutions were passed by the National Union in favour of the principle , but as before no local party would put the good intentions into practice .
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