Example sentences of "system and [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The LIBRAFILE disk contains the programs needed to run the system and also a datafile primed to receive the information generated by loans .
2 Almost 250 course proposals from 58 centres were successfully validated : these were traditional courses being transferred to the new system and also a number of innovative courses in areas ranging from Countryside Recreation and Countryside Management to Modern Musicianship .
3 The hardest problems are those where simple processes are hard to find , usually because of some complexity of the puzzle which makes it hard to see the effects of moves , or those where the basic coordinate system and hence a notation is hard to find .
4 This is particularly so in homoiotherms , whose constant body temperature ensures a steady level of functioning in the central nervous system and hence the possibility of extensive exploration in varied environments .
5 Obviously eventually if people keep on leaking blood their pressure will fall but you could have a situation where there 's not a single drop of blood yet lost to the system and yet the person 's in shock because the blood 's not being circulated properly off the heart , not a drop of blood lost to the system , but insufficient pressure , so shock can be caused by either of those two things , failure of the circulatory system because the pressure of the volume drops dangerously low , okay , you did a lot of work on what the person looks like , yes you as the casu you as the first aider will see this person in front of you , what will they be like ?
6 Three further products followed — Asteroid , The Wizard and the Princess and Time Zone , with the same type of game system and absolutely NO animation .
7 Yeah , that , that needs something if you actually set up a system and then a business meeting one month and a speaker the next , it puts a lot of pressure on one of us or some of us to , to , erm , this is true .
8 The details you give are assessed according to a points system and then the bank may check with a credit reference agency to see whether you have a previous record of not paying your debts .
9 Therefore , although some access to the information system and therefore the database will be made by professional users through computer programs written in Cobol and other programming languages , some , perhaps most , access will be made by untrained users .
10 Sheltered accommodation provides the independance reg=independence of your own home with the security of an alarm system and sometimes a warden to help when necessary .
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