Example sentences of "to have been [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Morris 's role appears to have been both that of a clerk of works , responsible to a greater or lesser degree for the erection of the buildings , and that of an architectural amanuensis employed to make ‘ Drawings and Explanations of his Lordship 's Directions ’ ; but to what extent he was involved in the actual process of design is not certain .
2 On the other hand MITI seems to have been rather unsuccessful in securing rationalization through mergers .
3 Kitzler was also a provincial musician , but he was well versed in Beethoven 's compositional methods and as a working instrumentalist he seems to have been shrewdly aware of what the leading contemporary composers were up to .
4 The Shipping Federation appears not to have been unduly alarmed by the possibility of international action .
5 In families that did not indulge themselves in this way a healthier climate prevailed ; children do not seem to have been unduly obsessed with death .
6 Considering how closely the band had worked with Charman over the past three years , their method of dismissing him seems to have been unduly formal in the circumstances .
7 Although she had come to dislike Dr McNab , believing him to have been indirectly responsible for her father 's death , she remained constantly at his side , helping him to care for the sick and wounded .
8 Beatrice saw him reading Les Liaisons Dangéreuses and slated that too , claiming that it was a steamy romance seized upon by the mothers of France ‘ and said to have been largely responsible for the modern severity towards young daughters ’ .
9 As Central Committee Secretary for Agriculture between 1978–85 , Gorbachev was bound to have been largely responsible for the limited measures undertaken in support of private plots .
10 He was educated privately , and was always very reticent about his early years : he seems to have been largely self-taught in music .
11 It was the grandest building in Montevideo when it was built , and adopted a style which seems to have been particularly congenial to Latin American nationalism , Second Empire .
12 However , by the time of the 1715 rebellion Jacobitism seems to have been particularly strong amongst the ruling class of the Grampian highlands .
13 Deng was reported to have been particularly incensed by an attack on the country 's five special economic zones ( SEZs ) , widely regarded as showcases for the reformist line .
14 agree , labour questions seem to have been particularly important during this period .
15 Moreover , English interest in saints , like that of the French , seems to have been particularly intense in the second half of the tenth century and early decades of the eleventh , when many saints ' lives were written and a number of relics were transferred to new shrines .
16 In general the years from 1793 to 1815 do not seem to have been particularly bad in real-wage experience for the Cornish miners , though they suffered like others from the famine price levels of 1795 , 1801 and 1812 , in each of which crises they rioted .
17 Young children seem to have been particularly sensitive to the Windscale accident .
18 But it seems to have been equally rare for young couples in the poorer classes to help their ageing parents by providing them with houseroom .
19 Nevertheless , the pattern appears to have been broadly similar for finance , transport , oil refining and distribution .
20 His business relationships with French collectors and dealers seem to have been remarkably close during the whole period of the revolution and the early years of Napoleon , and he was obviously able to exploit the opportunities of acquisition created by European upheaval .
21 Mr Gordon appears to have been remarkably successful in keeping out the looters .
22 Records show the local constabulary to have been remarkably tolerant towards prostitutes and apparently sensitive to the sexual practices of the poor .
23 The local press seems to have been remarkably indifferent to the event .
24 ‘ You seem to have been pretty thick with Dickinson , ’ Blunt said .
25 ‘ Support appears to have been pretty thin on the ground ’ .
26 The fault clearly lies with Morgan , but Marx and especially Engels seem on the whole to have been surprisingly uncritical of their source .
27 In Rutland at least demand for wage labour was curtailed by restrictions on com growing imposed by the lack of means of shipment , as in Leicestershire , where labourers seem to have been even thinner on the ground ; much effort went into stock rearing , many farmers kept above-average flocks of sheep , and there was abundant fatting pasture in the Vale of Catmose .
28 Furthermore , it suggest that those people who had become unemployed because of a temporary job coming to an end were just as likely to be unemployed for only a short spell and then to go back to work , and that they were less likely to have been continuously unemployed throughout the following year ( Moylan/Millar/Davies , 1984 ) .
29 Civilians and members of security and paramilitary forces are also reported to have been physically ill-treated after being captured or detained .
30 I believe the Druid sacred groves to have been functionally identical with , and a direct continuity of , ley mark-clumps .
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