Example sentences of "to have been [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In mid-Buckinghamshire the average of 6d. or 7d. looks to have been inclusive of house and outbuildings for , according to an Aylesbury rental dated 1532 , land without buildings commanded not more than 4d. , examples being 3 acres for 1s. , three roods for 3d. , and 55 acres for £1. 2s. 10d .
2 Death directly by starvation in famines seems to have been rare in Britain , less so abroad ( Walter and Schofield 1989 ) .
3 Indeed , confirmation of a satisfactory legal outcome would appear to have been apparent during December last year when the legal Director of the EC Commission , Mr Dubois , wrote to the Association 's Solicitors , stating , ‘ …
4 ‘ Who considers those persons to have been involved in abuse or attempted abuse of the immigration laws ?
5 By the late fourth century , in fact , the Saxons were said to have been involved in raids which had previously been ascribed to the Franks .
6 The presence of members of Anna 's family in Gaul at the nunnery of Farmoûtier-en-Brie ( HE 111 , 8 ) emphasizes the continuing Frankish orientation of his kingdom and throughout his reign Anna appears to have been involved in opposition to the Mercians .
7 Watton was the RAF 's Central Signals Establishment and 192 is thought to have been involved in radio calibration duties .
8 Levine , an investment banker at a prestigious Wall Street firm , was alleged to have been involved in insider trading over a period of six years , during which time he made huge profits while trading on the basis of material nonpublic information in the securities of companies .
9 The same tenure seems to have been usual for officials in most lawcourts — except for the judges — and in such administrative departments as the Signet Office and the Privy Seal Office .
10 Since on that occasion they were working with the approval of Fredegund they are likely to have been opposed to Brunhild .
11 Unlike most other musicians , he did not seem to have been impressed by Louis Armstrong 's seminal appearance at the London Palladium in 1932 .
12 The first attempt to assess cerebral dominance for language in a group of non-right handed patients appears to have been that of Pratt , Warrington and Halliday ( 1971 ) who tested 12 right handers and 12 so-called left handers .
13 The first actual direct steam-driven flour mill is thought to have been that of Young and Co , of Bristol in 1780 , in Lewis Mead , near the city centre and powered by a Wasborough/Pickerd engine .
14 These then are the main characteristics which distinguish the early retired from other older workers who remained actually or potentially in the labour market : the former were more likely to have been close to pension age , to report ill health , to be better off financially and to have non-manual occupations .
15 One of them , Janeth Sánchez Talavera , was a journalist believed to have been close to Sendero leader Abimael Gúzman Renoso .
16 The foundations of the later temples largely obscure the plans of their predecessors but , from the patchy remains that have been investigated , the older temples seem to have been similar in style , scale and layout to the later temples , although they were perhaps slightly less complicated .
17 The prospect of the political chaos which would have followed had Mr Amato lost was certain to have been uppermost in MPs ' minds .
18 In three cases technical difficulties were encountered at the time of surgery and the procedure was acknowledged to have been inadequate in terms of gastric devascularisation .
19 Dunning and Murphy have tried to argue that violent street-gangs , whose antics led to several alarmed inquiries around the turn of the century , were likely to have been present at football matches from the outset .
20 By way of abbreviation of what is stated by the independent conditionals in ( 5 ) , cc can be said to have necessitated e , and e can be said to have been necessary to cc .
21 She had informed Elizabeth Mowbray of the girls ' exchange of identities — information which the duchess had received thankfully , believing the exchange to have been necessary for Anne 's safety .
22 However , there are different kinds of planners — the Orcadian planners seem to have been unreceptive to public opinion whereas in Shetland they may have been younger and more immature but they listened to complaints .
23 Both Amis and Eliot can be considered seasoned disapprovers , and it is probable that Amis shares the other writer 's distaste for the biographical critic , whose activities may be responsibly conducted , and are generally acknowledged to have been successful at times , but have often been reckoned to fail .
24 Our adjustment for these confounding factors meant that any remaining differences in perinatal mortality rates were more likely to have been due to differences in the care received by patients .
25 Although some may be quick to say that the vast majority of the book was actually written by Bullett , and not by Freud , no less than the actual intellectual framework of the book apparently seems to have been due to Freud 's input , er , Freud certainly was psychoanalytically trained , in any , in any sense of the word .
26 However , despite the existence of these theoretical quotas agreed at OPEC Conferences or at meetings of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee ( MMC-see p. 36573 ) , actual aggregate output was generally understood to have been well in excess of quota ; thus according to the Petroleum Economist OPEC production was estimated to have averaged 21,672,000 bpd in the second half of 1988 , 21,266,000 bpd in the first half of 1989 and about 23,000,000 bpd in the third quarter of 1989 .
27 For every good read , like Harry Harrison 's Plague from Space I ( 1966 ) — in which an apparently natural infection turns out to have been tailor-made for Homosapiens by odious extraterrestrials — there are countless bum offerings .
28 Although time seems always to have been important for Petrarch , he tended to value it even more as he got older because he realized that , as with other things , it becomes more precious as it becomes less plentiful .
29 The LEA , then , appears to have been interventive on matters which schools themselves ought to have dealt with , and laissez-faire on other matters in which it had a wholly legitimate interest .
30 The Minoans seem to have been self-sufficient in terms of basic needs , which must have put them in a position of trading strength , but they relied on imports for supplies of exotic raw materials for the manufacture of luxury goods .
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