Example sentences of "to have been [verb] by a " in BNC.

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1 Although there have been several since , he is the first known Westerner to have been eaten by a Komodo Dragon .
2 In one test , for example , children are asked to identify a traditional English beer tankard — an object unlikely ever to have been seen by a child from a Muslim background in which alcohol is proscribed .
3 This is the first book known to have been written by a woman in English , and is recognised as one of the great spiritual writings .
4 While at Messina , en route for the Holy Land , he seems to have been overcome by a sense of the wickedness of his life .
5 Structural studies of the shales and greywackes of the Skiddaw Group have refined the understanding of the deformational history : the early episode of major slump folding identified previously now appears to have been followed by a period of upright folding that has been subsequently modified by south-directed thrusting .
6 The " Misery of the Human Condition " was to have been followed by a treatise on " The Dignity of the Human Condition " , which was never written , presumably because of Lothar 's election as pope .
7 The occasion of Wulfhere 's intervention in Surrey is likely to have been the death of King Ecgberht , which appears to have been followed by an interregnum or at least a contested succession .
8 For example , a company which has given a preference to a person connected with the company is rebuttably presumed to have been influenced by a desire to prefer that person .
9 Firstly , in the case of preferential treatment , s239 relates to transactions within two years before the onset of solvency rather than six months and the vendor is presumed to have been influenced by a desire to prefer creditors unless the contrary is shown .
10 PORN heiress Debbie Raymond is thought to have been killed by a cocktail of drinks and drugs , it emerged last night .
11 Sometimes the testicles suffer from under or over-suspension , either of which can cause discomfort , but this is unlikely to have been caused by a vasectomy operation .
12 In a Minnesota case in 1979 , for instance , a young intern 's casual comment that a laceration appeared to have been caused by a knife later led the injured woman to change her story completely and come to believe , under hypnosis , that she was stabbed repeatedly , despite subsequent medical evidence .
13 At first the explosions were thought to have been caused by a gas leak , but gradually the police were able to piece together evidence linking the disaster to the Weathermen , one of whom had attached a wire to the wrong terminal .
14 That the windscreen wipers started to work can properly be said to have been caused by a set of things including the state of the wipers ' mountings and the smooth surface of the windscreen as well as the switch 's being flipped .
15 The unrest , which was connected with further proposed petrol price and bus fare increases and also involved student protests , was believed to have been caused by a Supreme Court decision not to proceed with corruption charges against various former ministers .
16 The fire was reported to have been caused by a wiring short circuit .
17 The fire was reported to have been caused by a wiring short circuit .
18 The erosion is believed to have been caused by a combination of : i ) the relative rise in sea level brought about by the slow sinking of southeastern England ; ii ) an actual rise in sea level locally since the 1970s ; and iii ) the reduction of saltmarshes due to human-made sea defences .
19 Sources said the explosion seemed to have been caused by an incendiary device .
20 Fergie 's ill temper was thought to have been caused by an argument on the telephone with Texan pal Johnny Bryan .
21 A car and the garage in which it was parked at a house in Filey Road , Scarborough were gutted by a fire thought to have been caused by an electrical fault on the vehicle .
22 A car and the garage in which it was parked at a house in Filey Road , Scarborough were gutted by a fire thought to have been caused by an electrical fault on the vehicle .
23 The riots appear to have been precipitated by an apparently casual incident when a Meskhetian angrily tipped over a table of strawberries being sold by an Uzbek girl .
24 It is a measure of the grim recalcitrance of the region 's problems that Schultz 's message was reported to have been saluted by a strike called in protest among the Palestinians of the occupied territories .
25 She did not deserve in that tiny viewing room to have been stabbed by a pair of scissors through the heart .
26 The final assault on Bijeljina was reported to have been led by a Serbian guerrilla leader known as Arkan , whose units fought in some of the most ferocious battles in Croatia .
27 John Thomson was one of a small number of photographers , who seems to have been motivated by a genuine desire to ‘ document ’ .
28 Like the earlier incidents the raid was thought to have been motivated by a desire within the Papuan military to cut fuel supplies to the Bougainville rebels .
29 Although yet greater extremes of poverty might be expected to exist in bigger towns , an outstanding feature of Chichester was the clearly higher level of wages effective there , with many artificers assessed at 40s. a year , though these were sure to have been balanced by an anonymous mass of recorded paupers .
30 And the London-based scientist said he believed it was more than a coincidence that the same colony seemed to have been affected by a second strain of the gizzard worm infection which killed 137 birds last year .
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