Example sentences of "to have [been] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She seemed to have been a reasonable kind of mother to Jenny ; at least she had n't stimulated any of the strong resentments which seemed to lie uneasily dormant in most daughters , especially those very fond of their fathers .
2 ‘ Atropine is confirmed , and far too much to have been a slight slip of the deadly nightshade .
3 He can honestly claim to have been a righteous servant of God ; in verse 16 he writes of his service being like that of a priest , who bridges the gap between God and man , and who presents a sacrifice to God as part of the priest 's duties and privileges .
4 Who killed Dale in what appears to have been a motiveless crime ?
5 Indeed , your latest victim seems to have been a veritable bundle of surprises — not a maidservant but a duchess , not dead but alive — and , to top all , affianced to an eleven-year-old and not a virgin ! ’
6 Edward Ellice , an MP for Coventry , said that he had been asked to accompany his friend Lord Elcho , and although he seems to have been a political ally of Elcho 's his view of Scott 's design was very different .
7 Marie is said to have been a frequent visitor to her mother 's court at Poitiers and to have brought with her the greatest poet in France , Chrétien de Troyes .
8 As yet this seems not to have been a frequent occurrence and the request was successfully rebuffed by some abbots of religious houses which did not own the king as patron , but a door had been opened which subsequent monarchs were to push far wider .
9 For all these reasons multi-employer bargaining came to predominate in non-manufacturing industries and , more exceptionally , elsewhere in the concentrated industries of basic steel and the railways where government intervention seems to have been a decisive factor in shaping the bargaining process ( Livernash , 1963 ) .
10 Medical Officer for Brighton and later to the Local Government Board , where he championed statistical inquiries into infant mortality , Newsholme felt the evangelical revival of the late nineteenth century to have been a potent factor in the social hygiene movement .
11 Predictably , the survey showed 1992 to have been a flat year for the UK 's information technology businesses .
12 The presence of a very occasional lesser white-fronted goose from Scandinavia on the reclaimed land of the Severn is well-known to have been a crucial factor in Sir Peter Scott 's choice of site for the new wildfowl refuge and research station he had dreamed of creating during the War .
13 He had come from out of town with a fortune , was known to have been a vociferous Bund supporter before the war and had set up a chain of more or less above-board casinos in the districts where gambling was more or less legal .
14 Sharpening the focus on penicillin appears to have been a gradual process .
15 Goldie , the Blue Peter dog , was pet of the year in 1981 and was deemed to have been a substitute pet for many youngsters unable to keep pets of their own at home .
16 Hindsight may show this to have been a pivotal meeting .
17 The , the importance of this , is that Freud is often said to have been a Hobbesian thinker , in the sense that , er without necessarily being directly influenced by Hobbes , he took a similar , a similar kind of view , or at least , so it is said .
18 Akrotiri was built in about 1550 BC ( Late Minoan IA ) and is likely to have been a Minoan foundation .
19 The care which bereaved Minoans sometimes lavished on their dead suggests a belief in the AFTERLIFE , and the idea of an Elysium , a pleasant Heaven awaiting people at the end of their earthly lives , is thought to have been a Minoan creation .
20 Constanza would have liked Simon to have been a conscientious objector .
21 I can not claim to have been a close friend , but I had occasional encounters with him and , as with most people , it would be more accurate to describe them as occasional brushes .
22 Our daughter wanted me ( Dave ) to preach at the funeral because she said , ‘ I do n't want my brother 's death to have been a total loss .
23 In Devon and Cornwall indeed there seems to have been a long tradition of piratical and privateering activity in addition to legitimate trade , which may well have laid the foundation for the activities of seamen from this part of the country in the Elizabethan age ( 63 , pp.159–60 ) .
24 Appointed a Privy Counsellor two years ago , his promotion seems to have been a long time coming , prompting some commentators to dub him ‘ The Nearly Man ’ .
25 The defeat of Redgrave and Pinsent is unlikely to prevent their selection for the Olympic coxless pairs and it could prove to have been a useful warning to the world champions to raise their performance for Cologne in two weeks ' time , when all the potential Olympic crews will have their first try-out .
26 Indeed , the manner in which the railways forced the mixing of the castes was said to have been a contributory cause of the Mutiny in 1857 , although it must be said that the revolt broke out in an area still far from the early Indian railway projects .
27 The effortful shepherding of one 's confusion and faint nausea , which I assumed was the basic existential package , turns out to have been a temporary condition .
28 Sympathisers of the Mujahideen , who are denounced as ‘ hypocrites ’ by Teheran for their attempt to weld Marxist and Islamic ideology , later rampaged through several Iranian embassies in what appears to have been a co-ordinated raid .
29 In the latest in a series of incidents , an animal grazing on Mithian Downs , near St Agnes , Cornwall , was wounded on its forehead by what appeared to have been a sharp instrument .
30 The increasing processing and chemicalization of our food and drink appears to have been a major factor in the rise of chronic disease in this country in the past three to four decades by causing much chemical stress on the body and its inner metabolic balances .
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