Example sentences of "to have [vb pp] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He would have done better to have given everything to the boy outright , but it is my belief he did not want Benedict to lose touch with his godmother . ’
2 Someone claimed to have heard him on the radio from Darwin — but it was always someone at a third hand remove ; someone who had heard it from someone who had heard it from someone .
3 ‘ We were rather angry in the beginning to have heard it off the radio .
4 He claimed to have heard it from the lips of Raisa , and swore its truth .
5 Then one day Kirsty met an old friend who happened to have consulted me in the past for regression therapy .
6 However , if the settlor may benefit on the occurrence of one or more of the following events he will still be deemed ( TA 1988 , s685(2) ) to have divested himself of the property : 1 .
7 It was not a pleasant emotion , but it was a powerful enough one to have sustained him in the search when evidence was lacking .
8 I ought to have stopped you in the beginning — I ought to have walloped you good and hard instead of hiding the things and pretending I did n't know anything about it .
9 She had at times , almost as if it were a comfort , at least something accustomed , run through the fruitless litany of remorse : I ought not to have tolerated his infidelities , I ought to have stopped it at the start , I have colluded with his depravity , it is all my fault .
10 What 's worse , it seems to have blinded him to the facts of Liverpool history .
11 The sale of beer by the gaoler in late eighteenth-century Britain was apparently universal — Howard called it the ‘ tap ’ and seems to have regarded it as a necessary evil .
12 Otherwise , it seems to have regarded it as a matter of political judgment .
13 Labour Front-Bench Members seem to have committed themselves to a single currency despite the fact that some of their Back-Bench supporters continue strongly to oppose it , although they are having difficulty with the question whether a European central bank would be independent .
14 Australian DJ Brian White told his listeners that a drunken journalist had approached Kylie after she had been presented with an award and asked her if she felt ashamed to have won it in a room full of so many talented people .
15 ‘ He seems to have surrounded himself with every comfort ; but that is hardly surprising , if he has stayed here all the week for ten years . ’
16 ‘ Giles Hawick is taking it seriously enough to have reported her as a missing person , ’ he said tightly .
17 It seemed to Julia to be the height of good manners to have greeted a stranger with apparent pleasure under such circumstances and then to have included her in the family teasing , but she wanted to make certain that they could forget their manners and talk freely to each other without having to bother about her .
18 ( e ) the vulnerability or otherwise of the target 's board ( the offeror will particularly focus on the board 's achievements and also on any areas where individual directors could be said to have advantaged themselves at the expense of the company ( eg golden parachute arrangements ( see para 18.5.12 below ) ) ;
19 Steve Platt seems to have caught himself in a dialectical contradiction ( ‘ Not paying , not voting ’ , 8 May ) .
20 This underlines perhaps the damage done to him by his father 's death , which appears to have robbed him of the memory of many of the normal sensations .
21 He did n't appear to have seen her in the water and Rachel had the advantage of watching him unobserved as he strolled along the poolside , a towel slung around his neck .
22 ‘ I 'd have loved to have seen her in the flesh .
23 ‘ Were n't you surprised to have seen him in the first place ?
24 One glimmer of hope though , tonight police say that someone who knows the couple claims to have seen them at a garden centre in herefordshire .
25 To have seen it is associated with a more positive attitude towards SSE , not to have seen it with a neutral attitude ; to recall it well is associated with an even more positive attitude towards SSE , not to recall it well with only a mildly positive attitude ; to associate changes with its use with a very positive attitude ; not to do so with only a mildly positive attitude .
26 He ought to have done it through the college got it cheaper .
27 Almost all of the higher earners and men with 10 or more partners have had oral sex with a woman , and it 's the men with a regular relationship and someone else on the side who are most likely to have done it in the past year .
28 But she had never felt at home with him , perhaps because , with his confident good looks and the air of arrogance in his bearing , he seemed both to represent and to have absorbed something of the mystery and potency of the power he operated .
29 The weight in his heart seemed to have tethered him to the pavement , and he had to force himself to turn away , and some seconds after she had disappeared through the doorway .
30 ‘ He claims to have met him for the first time at the Windorah ; it 's a bar frequented mainly by foreigners .
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