Example sentences of "to have [be] [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These examples clearly demonstrate that the scenes existed but they were hardly likely to have been seen by stone masons or potters to copy .
2 ( ‘ If the Subject appears to have been lost by accident continue in the direction the Subject was proceeding . ’ )
3 Certain kinds of employers ' combinations seem to have been hindered by antitrust legislation and this may help to explain the generally low level of organisation among employers .
4 The profits of war were not to be found only in France : a grateful king rewarded his commanders with grants at home , and the wounds of 1341 seem to have been healed by success in war .
5 Both aspects of the legal realist movement seem to have been influenced by pragmatism .
6 Indeed several attempts were made on her life , until finally one day she was found dead on the rocks , thought to have been killed by gelignite .
7 Abroad three foreign journalists including a Briton are reported to have been killed by sniper fire in the Somali capital Mogadishou .
8 He has also examined the well-publicised cluster of leukaemia cases around the Dounreay nuclear plant and concludes it is likely to have been caused by exposure to incoming oil workers rather than radiation from the plant .
9 Symptoms were unchanged in 7% of patients and therefore were unlikely to have been caused by gall stones .
10 The report looked specifically at the cluster of cases around Dounreay and concluded that they were most likely to have been caused by oil workers rather than emissions from the nuclear plant .
11 The problems of all five aircraft were thought to have been caused by fuel with a low octane level .
12 Sharks , killer whales , and false killer whales are believed to present some threat to dolphins - scar marks thought to have been caused by shark attack have been observed .
13 It was noted earlier that training can arouse resistance if it is perceived to have been imposed by policy decisions .
14 Sánchez , who was alleged to have been beaten by government supporters prior to his arrest , had been reported as having urged the Cuban authorities to recognize the two UN resolutions ; he was later charged with " distributing enemy propaganda " and with illegal possession of foreign currency .
15 Orlando Azcué was also said to have been beaten by prison guards on at least three occasions .
16 They have also suffered disease believed to have been exacerbated by water pollution .
17 In this case we find a culture which has not evolved beyond the initial , hunter-gatherer stage and which , furthermore , does not appear to have been contaminated by contact with cultures which had done so — at least , until the coming of white men .
18 At least two whales believed to have been affected by sonar have been washed up dead on the beach at Abu Dhabi .
19 In the present case disclosure by Mr. and Mrs. Tully of their dealings and documents with the affairs and money of Abbey and its subsidiaries will enable the plaintiffs to complete their investigation and to trace the fate of moneys paid by Wessex and moneys which were received or ought to have been received by Abbey and to recover such moneys and to recover damages for any wrongful dealings with those moneys .
20 It is thus apparent , as has been indicated elsewhere , that not all of the earthworks are contemporary with one another ; indeed , the basic outline of the settlement seems to have been determined by land divisions laid down several thousand years previously .
21 A conservative estimate is that power must have grown by about 30bhp ; in any case , this figure is likely to be overtaken soon when the four-valve cylinder heads known to have been developed by sister company Cosworth are installed in the car .
22 The Late Minoan debris of an ivory carver 's workshop was found to have been destroyed by fire .
23 It would also have meant higher administrative costs which would have had to have been borne by charge payers .
24 ‘ The minds of many of these young offenders appear to have been numbed by greed and indifference to violence ’ , asserted one MP as he condemned ‘ the parents , indifferent to their children and utterly without social conscience ’ .
25 I had n't eaten since my snackette supper the night before and I was so hungry that I would have eaten almost anything , even a plate of my grandmother 's famously awful creamed ham and carrots , the only dish I know to have been inspired by vomit .
26 It relied both on the circumstances of the shooting and on a confession alleged to have been made by telephone by the defendant to Paulette 's husband , Jimmy Zaidie ( ‘ Zaidie ’ ) immediately after the shooting , and also on threats previously made by the defendant to kill Paulette , as alleged by the prosecution and as testified to in evidence by Zaidie and by Daphne Matadial ( ‘ Matadial ’ ) , Paulette 's sister .
27 Worse , many bad habits can be especially difficult to cure because they are likely to have been created by anxiety in the first place , and trying to stop the habit increases the horse 's anxiety .
28 A SWORD said to have been used by poet Lord Byron in the 1823 Greek independence war is likely to fetch £4,000 at a London auction .
29 They are interpreted as filling volcano-tectonic faults but may also have been feeders to Kuroko-style massive sulphide deposits , though these are likely to have been removed by erosion .
30 If SI units had been used results would have had to have been reported by height , age , and sex separately and the sample size would have been too small for useful analysis .
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