Example sentences of "to have [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 One of the biggest challenges in such a large company is to have everyone united behind a belief in a common goal .
2 Some ideas are as follows : the first team to have everyone sat on the floor , first team to have everyone standing on one leg .
3 It was as if , thought Henry , she wished to have nothing to do with the dispute she knew this word would provoke .
4 So many players seemed to have nothing to do with the nations they were representing that asking them to picture their country would have been difficult enough , let alone vow anything to it .
5 We would couple this with an investigation to discover the real cause or causes of the high labour turnover ( which may turn out to have nothing to do with the immediate problem ) .
6 It 's not my business , but I strongly advise you to have nothing to do with the whole thing ; divorce can be very messy . ’
7 Secretary Jackie Onstenk commented that it made ‘ an enormous difference ’ to have them living on the Down .
8 In addition to the Appropriation Accounts , there are many statutory bodies that have responsibilities to produce accounts , to have them audited by the C. and A.G. and to present the result to Parliament .
9 One way of preventing piglets picking things up is to have them born into a sterile bubble , and reared in squeaky-clean rooms .
10 Perhaps they are sheepish about the efficiency or integrity of their testing systems , and unwilling to have them exposed to the public scrutiny that would follow if the banned athletes chose to take the matter further in law .
11 ‘ You write the specifications for her repairs , and I 'll guarantee to have them done at the best boatyard in America . ’
12 The landowner was letting the buildings return to dust , but no doubt he would be grateful to have them re-stored at no cost to himself .
13 The most consistent mistake with both these pieces of equipment — possibly because they are so simple — is , once again , to have them operated by the speaker .
14 The June 26 measure had been approved despite an attempt by ethnic Albanian deputies in Serbia to have them discussed by the Kosovo Assembly .
15 Here , and around the edges of a patio , you 'll probably want to have them wired to a permanently fixed outdoor socket .
16 He threatened repeatedly to have them removed from the Hearing for disrupting the proceedings .
17 Steve had talked of being a fatalist and if Fernando had the power to have them removed from the island that was fate and she was n't going to fight it .
18 The director of each society was required to submit its rules for approval to Mr Tidd Pratt the barrister who certified Saving Banks regulations , and afterwards to have them approved by the magistrates at quarter sessions .
19 If Tommaso had n't troubled to have me paged at the opera , you would certainly have performed coitus with this young woman and d'ye know what would have happened then ? ’
20 We ought to have somebody pray for the people who wrote them . ’
21 Ever a proponent of parliamentary freedom of speech , in 1621 Alford protested against the ‘ eyes over him to observe ’ , but refused to have himself cleared by the House at the end of the session : ‘ God forbid that snares should be laid for mens words …
22 In 1978 , he told five youths who tied up a 14-year-old boy as a target for their catapults : ‘ What is the best sentence for you really would be to have you tied to a tree and everybody throw stones at you .
23 I argued very hard to have you thrown to the wolves after the police found four low-lifes strewn around the locker room of that gym .
24 you know that band , yeah well , we used to have one come from the down , he used to tap onto the erm tried to get off and everybody stuck to it .
25 To have one standing in the corner of every room in the house is a tremendous help to an old person who can not bend ; although , of course , one will suffice , as it can be carried from one room to another when it is needed .
26 Flute was a mirthless man who often used words like ‘ conception ’ , ‘ subtext ’ , and ‘ seminal ’ , and also ‘ Jarry-esque ’ , which appeared to have something to do with a play called Ubu Roi .
27 ‘ I intend her to have something to do with the arts .
28 After some reflection , she was unable to offer any rule but said , quite correctly , ‘ It seems to have something to do with the verb . ’
29 Just as he said , Farmer Plant 's teenage niece , Harriet , was delighted to have her to help in the stables , and promised to teach her all about the care and feeding of horses as well .
30 Annie must have used the house-phone to have her paged at the restaurant .
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