Example sentences of "to have [art] same [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't have to have the same kind of bathwater . ’
2 If this were true , then men and women who are married to each other could be assumed to have the same standard of living .
3 If someone has suffered severe hearing loss for many years and suddenly is able to hear well through an aid , he is likely to have the same experience of surprise .
4 Is it wise to have the same firm of auditors year in , year out er all of us are familiar with the er the last item on the annual general meeting , a motion to propose the re-election of the auditors , er I wonder whether or not that 's something that ought to be looked at .
5 Elaine could have delivered the night before — after midnight , to have the same date of birth — and perhaps Mrs Maybury was n't on duty that night — and Elaine could have left the next day , so Mrs Maybury was telling the truth when she said she 'd never seen her . ’
6 We do n't encourage them to give up their other sports , we just want them to have the same chance in tennis . ’
7 ‘ We used to have the same problem with Shrewsbury .
8 It is well established that objects are perceived to have the same colour despite quite extensive variations in the colour of the light with which they are illuminated and hence the wavelength of the light they reflect back to the retina .
9 I am not sure whether it is possible to have the same optimism about Israel in the middle east .
10 But I have been quite fascinated to see that the youngsters today do not seem to have the same interest in reading the paper .
11 It may be that the target reader of the German translation is not envisaged to have the same familiarity with or interest in the ceramics industry as the prospective readers of the English version .
12 There is a natural appeal in using age weighting in the formula based on the normative assumption that individuals in a given age group ought to have the same utilisation of services wherever they live .
13 It is hard to see what sense there is in , for example , assuming that individuals without a car ought to have the same utilisation of services wherever they live .
14 We tended to have the same meal on the same day of the week : roast on Sunday , cold meat on Monday , a steak-and-kidney pie or pudding on Tuesday , stew on Wednesday , salt beef on Thursday , fish on Friday and toad-in-the-hole on Saturday .
15 For instance , sibling nodes ( nodes which have some hierarchical relation to the same node ) might be expected to have the same pattern of ‘ target node names ’ .
16 still in , in one way , in European and North American situations women do seem to have the same sort of job opportunities as men do what about somewhere like Africa what about the West Coast of Africa , we talked about Nigeria and West Africa quite a lot , what about women involved in there ?
17 This was the case with a significant number of the girls talking here , for instance , Lorraine and Cathy , both of whose mothers had had children in their teens , and consequently had felt very sympathetic to what their daughters were going through , and Debbie 's mother , who had been more upset because she did not want her daughter to have the same sort of life as she had had .
18 Of course there is , there is the possibility , there is definitely going to be a reorganization , we sha n't have the same sort of input I do n't think , we sha n't be allowed to have the same sort of input in a totally undemocratic er , er , authority that 's going to be there where the , the governments will er , put er , most of the people on board , where the Home Secretary will decide on the Chairman , er , we do n't know what the government regulations are going to say about balances in terms for the new authority .
19 T his new economic process , assisted by an increasing effective demand , was to have the same impact on feudal manufacturing structures as it had in agriculture — it destroyed the old order of things .
20 To be religious in such a way is to understand theology to have the same relation to the past as do all other human disciplines .
21 Faraday had written in the 1820s that it was a good idea to have the same pitch on various bits of apparatus , so that they could be connected together in different ways ; but this idea had not become general .
22 With Freemantle Leapor could easily speak her mind ; to have the same confidence with new readers would take time .
23 And yet Miles appeared to have the same complement of arms and legs as he did , the same disposition of eyes , nose and mouth .
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