Example sentences of "to have [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He immediately announced a wide-ranging programme of social and political reforms , which appears to have aroused the wrath of the tribes .
2 Counsel for the SFO announced on Feb. 7 , 1992 , that charges against Seelig and David Mayhew ( a stockbroker ) which were to have formed the basis of a third trial had now been withdrawn .
3 Such classes appear to have formed the bulk of the programme and little was offered which could be seen as particularly relevant to community action or the problems of social change .
4 In the second half of the century British governments seem to have gathered no intelligence at all in this way .
5 The opposition of Scipio Nasica to the destruction of Carthage figures so prominently in this account by Diodorus — and therefore by Posidonius — because he was thought to have foreseen the possibility of civil war in Rome if Carthage were to be eliminated : " but once the rival city was destroyed , it was only too evident that there would be civil war at home and that hatred for the governing power would spring up among all the allies because of the rapacity and lawlessness to which the Roman magistrates would subject them " ( 34.33.5 transl .
6 It was held that the defendants were liable because they ought to have foreseen the possibility of the chemical coming into contact with water and they had not warned the buyers of this danger .
7 Chris Lander , the Daily Mirror 's cricket writer and the only man to have marched every step of the way with Beefy on his walks , is amazed at how Ian carries on the torturous pace .
8 ‘ It will not be satisfactory to have marched a lot of money up the hill , only to march it down again .
9 Intel , after all , is said to have lopped a year off its P5 ( 80586 ) design cycle just to compete with RISC chips .
10 A committee of shaikhs representing Yemen 's highly armed traditional leaders was reported to have given a warning on Dec. 15 that the tribes would intervene unless order was restored .
11 He seems to have given a sketch of the evolution of sovereignty from the king of the golden age to his own time ( Sen .
12 He trusted Pat — despite the impression he seems to have given a lot of his friends and acquaintances — and enjoyed the company of people like Maggie Smith and Sheila Hancock .
13 One of those charged was George Finbar O'Doherty , who was alleged to have given a command in Irish to the colour party .
14 The NDI observer group , claiming that the elections were " generally open , orderly and well-administered " , had nevertheless pointed out that " the caretaker government 's use of the perquisites of incumbency " had seemed " to have given an advantage to one of the contesting parties " — presumed to be a reference to the IDA .
15 To the man on whose support he would now increasingly depend , he wrote a little before the end , ‘ It is not pleasant , Thomas Poole ! to have worked 14 weeks for nothing — for nothing — nay — to have given the Public in addition to that toil five & 40 pounds ! ’
16 Although only fragments remain , Dunseverick manages not to be outdone in the legend stakes ; Conal Caernach who lived here is said to have witnessed the crucifixion of Christ while serving in the Roman army .
17 To have broken off one affair and started another , then to have witnessed the shooting of her new lover by the old one , was quite a lot to take .
18 The Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry has claimed to have developed a method for breaking down large amounts of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) .
19 Although she has deplored leaks — and instituted more leak inquiries and prosecuted more civil servants for breaches of confidentiality than any of her predecessors her press office appears to have developed the technique of leaking against fellow Cabinet ministers to a fine art .
20 ‘ Yes … it seems to have developed the knack of trapping the sunlight within it . ’
21 Mr Genscher , who appears to have arranged the solution in talks with his East German , Czechoslovak and Polish counterparts in the United Nations , said his trip to Prague was the most moving of his career .
22 The result became apparent in cases such as In re Missouri S.S. Co. where an English court held that a bill of lading issued in Massachusetts , to an American shipper for goods loaded in Massachusetts , was subject to English law because the carrier was British and the parties were presumed to have intended the application of English law .
23 Alastair Campbell , for example , thought that a verse supposedly from Thord Kolbeinsson 's Eiríksdrápa , which connects Earl Eric of Lade with the battle of Ringmere in 1010 , is a fabrication , and that lines about an attack on Norwich said by the thirteenth-century Knytlinga Saga to be from Ottar the Black 's Knútsdrápa probably came from a different poem on Swegen , who is known to have sacked the town in 1004 .
24 It was one of those rare occasions when a covert operation could be examined in the full glare of publicity and it showed what a foolhardy idea it was from the start for , even if Crabb had returned safely , it is unlikely he could have brought back enough information to have justified the risk in the first place .
25 The Spanish student who discovered them is now thought to have painted the cave with natural pigments but using modern rubber sponges , fragments of which were found on the walls .
26 Germans were billeted here , but they seem to have treated the place with considerably more decency than they did the people . ’
27 It is in the battle scenes that the new film differs most from Olivier 's prototype , and Branagh can fairly claim to have stripped the veneer of jingoism from the play , by showing war in its true horror .
28 Texaco alone is estimated to have spilled a total of 16.8 million gallons of oil into the area .
29 The attention drawn to Giambologna 's marble ‘ Fata Morgana ’ sold at Christie 's London on 13 September 1989 appears to have hastened the recreation of the sculpture 's original setting on a hillside outside Florence .
30 Cyngen ap Cadell , king of Powys in the mid-ninth century , erected a monument , Eliseg 's Pillar , to his great-grandfather , Eliseg , who is said to have annexed the inheritance of Powys from the power of the Angles .
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