Example sentences of "to have [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The NRA was to have formed part of the new body .
2 These were The Cock and The Bull , and anecdotes arising out of their proximity and rivalry were said to have given rise to the phrase ‘ cock and bull story ’ .
3 Which British prime ministers are said to have given rise to the phrase ‘ Bob 's Your Uncle ’ ?
4 This research programme concentrates upon a range of policy spheres where the growth of ‘ corporatist arrangements ’ has been sufficiently conspicuous and sufficiently contentious to have given rise to the term ‘ corporatism ’ with its suggestion of qualitative change in the politico-economic structure .
5 The research programme concentrates upon a range of policy spheres where the growth of ‘ corporatist arrangements ’ has been sufficiently conspicuous and sufficiently contentious to have given rise to the term ‘ corporatism ’ with its suggestion of a qualitative change in the politico-economic structure .
6 Continued disruption in the education sector was thought to have given rise to the dismissal of the Ministers of Education and the Universities , the new appointee to the latter post being upgraded to full Cabinet status .
7 The next year he was buying property in Enfield , Middlesex , but seems to have fallen victim to the Black Death on 3 June 1349 .
8 Incontinent adults seem to have limited confidence in the medical and allied professions .
9 US officials were reported to have criticized Aristide for the tone of his speeches which , they claimed , had fomented class hatred [ see below ] .
10 One , a strong influence on her while she was in France , was her maternal grandmother , Antoinette duchess of Guise , a woman of formidable personality who seems to have regarded membership of the house of Guise as a distinctly higher form of life than membership of the French royal family .
11 Was there a link with nearby Clifford 's Tower , where Jews were said to have committed suicide in the 16th century ?
12 Two groups of the extreme left — the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front ( FPMR ) and the Mapu Latero — were reported to have claimed responsibility for the murder .
13 The left-wing Dev Sol group was reported to have claimed responsibility for the fatal wounding in the southern city of Adana on May 23 of Brig. -Gen .
14 Deng was also said to have attacked formalism within the CCP , and called for " new thinking " in speeding up the reforms .
15 On June 8 , however , the government claimed to have regained control of the airport complex .
16 It appears to have undergone reduction in the Endopterygota , though it is probably represented by the dense reticulation present in certain orders of Exopterygota such as the Odonata .
17 I should have liked to have seen Sligo at the turn of the century , or failing that , in sunny weather .
18 Leoni was an adventurer in the service of Charles V and Phillip II of Spain , and also claimed — rightly , it would appear — to have seen service at the oar of a rowed galley .
19 Nevertheless , it was widely suspected that Thomas 's race was an important consideration in his nomination , for not only was it politically expedient to maintain a black representative on the Supreme Court , but to have secured confirmation from the Democrat-controlled Senate for a white male conservative would have been almost impossible .
20 But EP , after a slow start , found their winning ways again with Rushmere and the new-ball pairing of young paceman Rudi Bryson , considered unlucky to have missed selection for the World Cup , and West Indian Eldine Baptiste their most successful performers .
21 In Malesia , they seem to have made use of the limestone caves for shelter and may well have forced the orang-utans of the region to live further up in the canopy , for it is certainly true that in the Pleistocene , the orang-utans were much more terrestrial in habit .
22 Apart from the People 's Republic of China , which claims to have eradicated syphilis in the space of about ten years , most countries are now reporting an increase in the number of cases of early infectious syphilis , usually amongst male homosexuals .
23 It is essential to have written confirmation from the booker or the venue of all the arrangements about your gig .
24 A method using Solochrome Cyanine R is stated to have shown promise for the control of aluminium residues in the treatment of water with alum .
25 Four republics : Bosnia-Hercegovina , Croatia , Macedonia and Slovenia were reported to have requested recognition from the EC on Dec. 24 .
26 For a Government that claims to have offered choice for the last 13 years , their stance on this issue is odd .
27 This is a split in two by the prominent crack of Scylla ( VS 4c ) — a fine , ever steepening line until a traverse left avoids the obvious direct finish ( E2 5c ) : one of only four lines on the crag to have used aid on the first ascent .
28 This was considered serious enough by the Keraing to have supplied Tandri with the cost of a new mast which he had promised to have cut from the forest of Bouton , an island we knew nothing about on the south-east of Celebes , a two-day sail across the Gulf of Palopo .
29 Police were reported to have opened fire on the workers , wounding four .
30 Many at all levels of the movement , who were too young to have had experience of the First World War , were nevertheless affected by its indirect effects .
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