Example sentences of "came to [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 A child who came to school at the age of five dirty and smelling of urine would never be able to benefit from the experience of school if , as a consequence , she were shunned and rejected by her classmates .
2 It does indeed seem that the taboo on wives working was still operating among the generation that came to maturity at the time of the Great War .
3 A long-term government plan came to fruition at the beginning of 1990 when it was announced that Taiwan was to apply to accede to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .
4 The Wootton and Widgery proposals came to hand at the right time ; there were pressures from bodies such as the Magistrates ' Association and the Justices ' Clerks ; while the prospect of legislation prompted a clearing out of the pigeon holes of Whitehall .
5 Rhoda said when she came to tea at the weekend , ‘ You only remember what you want to remember , Ken ; serve you right .
6 Niven came to grief at the eighth fence on Flight Hill and had his left arm in a sling when he left the course by ambulance .
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