Example sentences of "came [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were introduced to one another by a woman friend who thought they should get on well in London as Margaret came of a better family and knew the people , and Ivy had the money .
2 As a Lower boy at the time I came before the Lower Master .
3 In fact , as of July 1991 , only one concentration that was a merger in the traditional sense of the word , which was between two Japanese banks , had been notified to the Commission ; the rest were concerned concentrations that came within the wider definition .
4 So , for example , when Barth came in a later volume of the Church Dogmatics to discuss the image of God in man , he did so in a fashion which led Brunner to assert that Barth had now changed his ground , and adopted Brunner 's own stance as developed in Nature and Grace .
5 He expected to be patronized by Lady Grubb because he came from a lower class , about which he did n't generally care tuppence , but when he saw her effect on Algy he found it more difficult than usual to be ribald about it .
6 But support for the Americans came from a wider section of the English people than the intellectuals : the presence of discharged and wounded soldiers created a loathing of war itself on humanitarian grounds .
7 Not one of these men here came from a lower-lying farm ( except Donald McCulloch , and their place was only a slip of ground between the steep hill and the road ) .
8 A terrible laugh came from the younger man .
9 Many of the marble columns and capitals on this façade came from the earlier church and other Byzantine buildings in Italy and elsewhere ( 185 ) .
10 The metopes presumably came from an earlier monument of the same city , not apparently a treasury but an open colonnade , perhaps a baldacchino to shelter but not conceal some large offering .
11 She came to a wealthier part of the town where the streets were quieter , and before long she had reached her destination .
12 They came to a smaller burrow , deeper underground .
13 When at last they came to the lower end of Spring Street , Agnes stopped and , looking from one to the other , she said , ‘ This is where I live ; I 'll be all right now .
14 In the United States government support for organised labour came at a later date than in Europe ( only in the mid-1930s ) , and even then it still remained open to employers to try to persuade their own workers ( short of using overt coercion ) not to vote for union bargaining rights ( i.e. they still maintained ‘ an ethical mandate to continue with their belligerent behaviour towards unions ’ ( Adams , 1981 , p. 287 ) ) .
15 Er he , the family , must have came at a later date into Galashiels .
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