Example sentences of "came [prep] the [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Cousin Jane came into the church with Uncle Albert .
2 The murderer came into the wings with the gun and with the firm intention of shooting someone .
3 He came into the kitchen with her , perching upon one of units and watching her as she boiled the kettle and took down a couple of mugs .
4 He came into The Bar with blood everywhere .
5 A friend he had not seen for ages came into the bar with his wife , and , in the end , the three of them went on somewhere for dinner .
6 And then y when you came into the stockyard with a Caw , Caw , li like a a crow saying it was just something like a crow 's nest .
7 An experienced armourer came into the hangar with a group of new armourers and proceeded to show them the wonders of the Washington .
8 Fitzgerald came into the job with a playing track record which suggested he had a real talent for leadership .
9 Factors such as the parasitic reliance on the stage and the book , the lack of attention given to screenwriting , the lack of flexibility in studio-based production and , at Stoll , a studio floor so constructed that it accommodated the noise and bustle of five films at the same time , had a deadening effect on anyone who came into the industry with new ideas or fresh visions .
10 Just before she had finished it , Annunziata came into the salon with a telegram addressed to Julia .
11 ‘ Strange how we have taken to some French words and not others , is n't it ? ’ remarked Henry diplomatically as the parlourmaid came into the room with a pile of dinner plates and the vegetable dishes .
12 I came into the room with some trepidation and there they were , two little round people speaking with a strange accent .
13 At that moment his secretary came into the room with two cups of coffee , which she distributed in a pregnant silence , shooting curious , covert glances at each of them .
14 He came into the room with a broad grin on his face and could hardly wait to tell me that not only had he managed to approach several people at work and ask them questions , but that he had decided to put himself to the test over the last few days and had , in fact , gone up to complete strangers in the street to ask them the time .
15 I was reading through back copies of MKM which I do quite often and started to read Help Line in the April '91 issue , when my husband ( who had been clearing out the attic ) came into the room with an old TV Times — Feb 1960 .
16 His mother came into the room with a pile of ironing in her arms .
17 Elaine came into the room with the tea .
18 Emily came into the room with an ice bucket .
19 Later when she was drinking her tea Mervyn came into the room with a card in his hand .
20 He came into the room with the air of a messenger .
21 He came into the hospital with six cases of Guinness and a shepherd 's crook .
22 The youth was certainly one of the vagabond gipsies , and it looked as if he had been spying out Farmer Yatton 's land , for the very next morning Angela 's daddy came into the farmhouse with the news that several sacks of potatoes and a quantity of oats had been stolen from one of the storehouses during the night .
23 The two stars came into the picture with their tongues firmly in their cheeks , determined to wring every moment of fun out of the script .
24 Then just occasionally , a larger flat bottomed boat came into the pier with exhausted mudcaked soldiers on her decks .
25 Pat Johnstone , Sarah 's best friend and next-door neighbour , came into the bedroom with a tray of tea .
26 At ten , Eley came into the bedroom with drinks .
27 She , she did mention the Guides when she came into the talk with me .
28 Of course Luiza should n't be paired with the lanky and very young tenor ; they 'd have to replot the run-up to that part so that she came into the ballroom with someone else .
29 Southampton came into the game with their own problems .
30 Thanks , ’ Ashley said , as Vitor came up the drive with Thomas prancing in front of him , ‘ you 've made one little boy very happy . ’
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