Example sentences of "went back to their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The platoon commanders went back to their soldiers and covered the facts and details that affected their men .
2 And they went back to their chuckling 's and grinnings while I made a scowling withdrawal .
3 they made this big discovery they all went back to their hotel rooms .
4 I 've known ghosts who went back to their houses or caravans or their stately homes and there was n't a trace of them left , it was all tower blocks or allotments or -one lady ghost told me — a supermarket .
5 The little fingers went back to their task .
6 When the opera finished , the girls went back to their dressing-room .
7 They went back to their dressing-room in a hurry as soon as the act was over , and Arthur started a metronome .
8 They looked up incuriously for a moment , then went back to their talk .
9 They went back to their house through the narrow streets , using a complicated route in case anyone was following them .
10 The engineer and two FBI men glanced at the console , then went back to their cards .
11 The cachous vanished in a flash and there were sullen looks and mutterings as the last children went back to their places , though one or two , even if they had n't won a sweet , felt strangely pleased that they had done something good , though not all were quite sure what it was .
12 The editors revelled in the honour , ate their lunches and went back to their offices to continue publishing every last tit-bit they could find .
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