Example sentences of "went back in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The thing is , we ordered it went back in the afternoon and it was cut and put on the side , I had to have it did n't I ?
2 when we went back in the kitchen and it 's hot but
3 And they , er when they did it , they knocked it all down , and that was really wrong and unnecessary , and though I think some of the flintstone was used , a lot of the flintstone went back in the builder 's yard , and it was a criminal thing at the time .
4 I went back in the autumn and they said ‘ Oh , figurative painting 's out of fashion now . ’
5 In bitter scrapping over Douaumont on May 24th , Thaw shot down a Fokker and then went back in the evening for more , but was cornered by three enemy planes .
6 He said , ‘ That is a pity ’ , with his smiling , still mouth , and he got back in the car and drove away , and Elizabeth went back in the house , and all the day she cried , and I went away to the hills .
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