Example sentences of "went so [adv] [subord] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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31 Through some of his paintings of 1912 Picasso went so far as to say candidly to the spectator , ‘ j'aime Eva ’ ; at the same time he wrote to Kahnweiler of Eva , ‘ I love her very much and I shall write it on my paintings . ’
32 They tell me that Mr. Stavanger has a magnificent record , and is very highly thought of in shipping circles — indeed , they went so far as to say that they 'd recommend the bank 's board to support him through thick and thin .
33 In fact , one adherent of the New Cambridge School , Lord Kaldor ( 1980 ) , went so far as to say that there is no empirical support for a high PSBR leading either to substantial growth in money supply or to high rates of interest .
34 Again perceptions of the value of these interviews differed , but one teacher went so far as to say that if it needed an appraisal to bring these advisers into the school then it was worth it .
35 One morning he went so far as to say to Nikos that he thought the affair was now over .
36 Tolstoy went so far as to say that " He who was not alive in the Russia of 1856 does not know what life is " .
37 Indeed , he went so far as to say that Britain 's justice system had been badly bruised by the Government 's failure in this respect .
38 The system was standardised in the early part of the sixteenth century , and some authorities went so far as to describe the cadency symbols for the ninth son of a ninth son ( an octofoil on an octofoil ) .
39 One went so far as to describe her life as ‘ tragic ’ .
40 X/Open chief technical officer , Mike Lambert , went so far as to describe XPG4 as ‘ a new direction for open systems . ’
41 Kip Bertram went so far as to describe the letter as ‘ venomous ’ , and Norman Smith , managing director of Total Book Distribution , said it was ‘ insulting and naive ’ .
42 Bergson went so far as to describe intelligence , or the intellect , as being , and I quote , ‘ characterised by a natural inability to comprehend life . ’
43 Leaving no stone unturned for its Destiny launch , the telephone company offshoot went so far as to score still another first , announcing SVR4.2 simultaneously in Europe , the Far East , the US and Russia , reportedly at a Unix user group meeting , facilitated by the famed Esther Dyson .
44 In the late 1640s and early 1650s , radicals like William Walwyn and Gerrard Winstanley began to express doubts about the doctrine of hell , while the Ranters went so far as to deny the existence of sin , and some early English Unitarians , such as John Bidle , attacked the doctrine of the trinity and denied Christ 's divinity .
45 TODAY has been told the letter went so far as to claim she had betrayed her husband , her sons and , above all , the Queen .
46 Cranmer indeed went so far as to claim that : ‘ where the word of God was adversary and against his authority , pomp , covetousness , idolatry and superstitious doctrine , he [ the pope ] , spying this , became adversary unto the word of God , falsifying it , extorting it out of the true sense . ’
47 In a passage which reads very oddly indeed today and betrays his naïveté , Durkheim even went so far as to claim that such was the depressing degree of homogeneity in primitive society that its members were actually physically indistinguishable from each other !
48 The CPSU Central Committee , reviewing these developments in the early 1970s , went so far as to claim that a ‘ new historical collectivity of people — the Soviet people ’ had come into existence in the USSR , based upon the ‘ common ownership of the means of production , unity of economic , socio-political and cultural life , Marxist-Leninist ideology , and the interests and communist ideals of the working class ’ .
49 Indeed Jakobson went so far as to claim , ‘ Neither Tynyanov , nor Shklovsky , nor Mukařovský , nor 1 have declared that art is a closed sphere …
50 In their efforts to impress the United States , the Romanians went so far as to compare their position vis-à-vis the Kremlin with Cuba 's in relation to Washington .
51 Unfortunately , as has often happened in developing countries as well , he completely underestimated the people 's desire for land , and went so far as to oppose the implementation of the Land Settlement Act .
52 In the summer of 1101 , faced with Robert 's landing in England and the immediate prospect of widespread desertion , Henry went so far as to promise a general obedience to the papal decrees , and it seems likely that Anselm 's activity on his behalf , secured by this promise , turned the tide in his favour , and brought Duke Robert 's invasion to a halt .
53 Indeed , the Broadwater Farm Youth Association has expressed its concern about the situation to the police on a number of occasions , and in August 1989 went so far as to close the youth centre on the estate for some time in an effort to stop dealers congregating there .
54 The British War Cabinet even went so far as to create a special committee to guide Swinton during the talks .
55 In 1991 , Mrs Virginia Bottomley , then minister for health , even went so far as to use section 118 as the reason for not being able to give parliament information about the production and distribution of counterfeit medicines .
56 The central party leadership , in fact , went so far as to issue a formal statement on the Baltic situation in late August 1989 , warning against the activities of ‘ extremist ’ and ‘ anti-socialist ’ forces that were pursuing a separatist line with ‘ growing persistence and aggressiveness ’ .
57 He condemned Crilly for his hash , and once went so far as to yank a steaming thick spliff from Crilly 's hand and toss it down the lighthouse cliff .
58 Protagoras found gender assignation in Greek inconsistent and illogical — for example , there were cases when two words referring to the same thing had different genders — and he went so far as to advocate reform ( he was ridiculed for this by Aristophanes , and the attempt was unsuccessful ) .
59 John Maynard Smith went so far as to submit the super-forgiving Tit for Two Tats .
60 Mr. Philipson also submitted that the Bank of England could properly exercise their supervisory powers under the Act without the breaching of customers ' confidences , and even went so far as to submit that the Schedule 3 information could be so furnished by clothing details of customers ' loans or deposits with anonymity .
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