Example sentences of "' [noun] [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was surprised to learn that my claim could not be backdated , but I wrote those first three weeks ' money off to inexperience .
2 From Scardroy , where the public motor road ends , there is another old drovers ' route through to Loch Gowan and Achnasheen , so even without a car some interesting trips could be made taking in the Conon Corbetts by using post bus and train services .
3 Cutting auditors ' noses off to spite clients ' faces There are no cogent arguments for radically extending the regulation of auditors ' independence
4 Restricting auditors ' responsibilities just to shareholders , it says , inadequately reflects the wider role of audited financial statements and brings into question the need for a statutory audit .
5 They needed an advance from the PFA to pay the players ' wages up to June 20 , but the players have not been paid since then .
6 Literary fiction has D M Thomas ' Flying in to Love ( Sceptre ) and Beryl Bainbridge with The Birthday Boys ( Penguin ) .
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