Example sentences of "off his [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tweed shook off his mood of resignation , leaned over her shoulder to study the maps .
2 Jack shook off his dream about Death Row and remembered that all over Dublin today there would be people waking to the first day of term .
3 Raising a laugh and over forty pounds for Comic Relief , Mike Smith allowed Betty Edgar to shave off his beard for charity .
4 He had two hundred and fifty pounds in his pocket with which to pay off his mistress in preparation for the taking of a wife .
5 He 's contracted some virus and is half off his head with delirium while the doctors are fighting like mad to find out what it is . ’
6 He flung off his shirt in delight — obviously enjoying his first goal of the season .
7 Eric 's ego was bruised when the crowd jeered a wayward shot and he tore off his shirt in disgust .
8 Apart from a family holiday at Eastbourne during the last fortnight in August , he remained at Battersea Rise until he revisited his relations at Swindon from 15 February to 28 March 1896 , when he broke off his stay in order to visit Mr Noble .
9 ( The PLAYER takes off his hat in mourning . )
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