Example sentences of "house of [noun prp] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 George Frank ( Textiles ) Ltd ( [ 1976 ] AC 443 ) the House of Lords made it clear that the Court of Appeal is bound by decisions of the House of Lords whatever its views as to the correctness of those decisions .
2 And the House of Lords provides them with the only forum in the western world in which an accident of birth assures them legislative power .
3 The Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division which first heard the action refused Bromley 's application but the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords upheld it and quashed the precept and so the scheme .
4 Why does the House of York plague us with their romantic dreams and stupid ambitions ?
5 The House of Commons accepted him as a quiet , agreeable member of some substance , not the sort of man who would ever dominate in debate , or who would lead a school of thought , but a man who with three or four others might constitute a very effective block within his party to a course or an individual of which or whom they did not approve .
6 It may , of course , be reintroduced into the House of Lord ; and passed again in a later session , but it can not be enacted until the House of Commons passes it .
7 For his pains the House of Commons put him in gaol .
8 His election on three separate occasions as MP for Middlesex in 1768–69 , and the repeated refusals of the House of Commons to admit him as a member , did much to stimulate in London the current of political radicalism which was later to run so strongly there .
9 From the time that my colleagues in the House of Commons did me the honour of electing me to be their leader I have felt that I was in the position of a trustee ; and even throughout the war the one thing that I have aimed at constantly has been to preserve .
10 The Law Lords held that this publication was protected by qualified privilege : the Council had a duty to leap to the General 's defence , and the privilege was not lost by the fact of world-wide publication , because " a man who makes a statement on the floor of the House of Commons makes it to all the world … it was only plain justice to the General that the ambit of contradiction should be spread so wide as , if possible , to meet the false accusation wherever it went . "
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