Example sentences of "number of [noun] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Okay , but I just wanted to go on to say that I think in reviewing how the budget may be brought more closely under control in the coming year , officers will need to look at the erm size of the committees because we are working with committees at the moment that are larger than those committees which used to exist when this year 's budget was set and that has had some impact and we need to have the implications of any change of committee size whether that might affect the budget , how that would affect the budget , also whether there is any potential for reducing the number of committees further and also whether the rates might be changed , I particularly would like officers to report on what , whether there would be any significant saving from er setting the rates at the round figures they were at a couple of years ago erm
2 The number of teams more than doubled as word spread round the pubs , and £120 was raised through sponsorship for charity .
3 And if I 'm not mistaken , there are a number of things here that were never included in the findings of the T'ang 's committee . ’
4 Usually a proposal will be composed of a number of variants rather than a single ‘ take-it-or-leave-it ’ proposition .
5 I have been hassled and discriminated against a number of times just because of the way I look .
6 And it 's certainly not available in sufficient detail for for all of the sectors to make a fair comparison and I think Mr has made this point in in when you 've questioned him a number of times today that the information is just not available or to hand to make to make that comparison .
7 I had to repeat it a number of times so that there could be no misunderstanding .
8 Thus the average momentary pleasure , say , of hearing Parsifal on a certain occasion must be a definite number of times more or less pleasant than that of a particular episode of sucking a boiled sweet .
9 The two published a number of works together and , after Moseley 's death in 1661 , Herringman purchased from Moseley 's estate copyrights to the poems of Abraham Cowley , Richard Crashaw , Sir John Denham , John Donne , Sir John Suckling , and Edmund Waller [ qq.v. ] , as well as some of the plays of Ben Jonson and Sir William Davenant [ qq.v . ] .
10 There have been a number of cases recently where claims in transit have burst out of their envelopes .
11 In 1992 , the number of injuries worldwide that caused employees to lose working time fell by [ 10% ] .
12 The complexity increases as the square of the number of components so that simple analysis techniques can not be employed and catastrophe theory and perturbation analysis are examples of appropriate analysis procedures .
13 A growing number of staffs within and across schools and the specialist services are now engaged in developing such joint approaches , meeting as teams in school-based discussions and workshops , with the explicit aims of pooling their expertise , sharing and increasing their understanding of the factors that may lead or contribute to children 's learning difficulties , and finding their own most appropriate solutions to them .
14 In this way one can simplify the number of subproblems considerably and one can group them into about eight stages , each of which has about six sub-problems , and this becomes humanly comprehensible .
15 Does a certain relationship retain its explanatory power for a number of countries rather than just for one — can it stand up to a comparative analysis ?
16 He foresees a small number of popular application programming interfaces becoming available on a large number of systems so that developers can target a variety of vendors with one version of an application .
17 Chairman chairman there seem to be when I looked at it there seem to a number of headings here that I could n't account for and I 've asked the chair of the finance committee , she could n't account for them either , and I think it 's , whilst I understand the reasons for going and I 'm sure we would have approved them , I think it 's actually quite important that all these small sums , wh when you add them up over this erm over this month and you look at them , are quite large over the budget that we have have already adopted and the things that we wanted to do , and it concerns me that some of these things which are maybe very sensible , actually reduce our effectiveness of doing things that the council 's agreed that they are going to do this year and next year , the seventy six pounds here , the thirty pounds later on , fifty four pounds for large thorn plants et cetera , et cetera , and a hundred and fifty pounds over the budget on the Christmas lights .
18 I keep the matter under review , as I must , but in the circumstances I am not persuaded that the public interest requires me to take the necessarily large number of actions up and down the country .
19 Er but I think also the lower value of the pound er affects Madame Tussaud and the number of visitors here and Michael C O Madame Tussaud , would you Michael like to comment on tourist numbers ?
20 Since the important variable in population size is always the number of females rather than the number of males ( because one male can impregnate a large number of females but any female can only manage one pregnancy at a time ) , selective forces determine that the daytime gelada social structure is one in which a single dominant male forages with an attendant group of females and young .
21 According to the US Mortgage Bankers ' Association , the number of homeowners more than 30 days behind in their repayments fell in the second quarter of the year to its lowest level in 10 years .
22 Er the distribution within Greater York is based essentially on the Greater York study , which identified the number of sites in and around Greater York and allocated those to the appropriate districts .
23 While Simon and Andy were keen to offer a quality service in a limited number of areas essentially as the profession was 20 years ago — Amanda and Roger wanted to opt for a slightly broader service .
24 Its presumed dependence on the number of nucleons mimics the behaviour of the other three forces of nature ( weak nuclear force , strong nuclear force , and electromagnetism ) in showing a dependence on the number of particles rather than on mass .
25 He foresees a small number of popular application programming interfaces becoming available on a large number of platforms so that developers can target a variety of vendors with one version of an application .
26 It 's been like this over a number of issues ever since the children were small , but it 's got worse since they 've been teenagers .
27 In fact , the two meetings we observed were concerned with a number of issues more or less closely related to the concerns of the project .
28 Plan your speech under a number of points so that it has a definite structure .
29 Hence if the gravitational force depended , like the strong force , on the number of nucleons rather than mass there would be a difference of 0.7 per cent between the gravitational acceleration of iron and hydrogen .
30 But the quotas limited imports by number of vehicles rather than sales , encouraging the Japanese to develop luxury cars that earn higher per-unit profits .
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