Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun pl] ' [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A recent step forward was the announcement in October 1990 of the formation of a broad-based teachers ' organization — the South African Democratic Teachers ' Union — which brings together a number of teachers ' unions previously separated on racial , geographical and political lines .
2 Besides them epigraphy records a number of oculists ' stamps from Bath , Kenchester ( two examples ) and Sandy , each bearing the name of the individual concerned alongside his patent remedies for treating opthalmic disorders .
3 She was a governor of University College London , the London School of Medicine , and a number of girls ' schools .
4 One harbours superior thoughts as to just where and in what circumstances her hosts can have possibly imagined her wearing such things , until one recalls that only seconds before one was counting the endless number of stoats ' tails that have gone into the making of the coronation robe .
5 A number of hackers ' wives have now joined other grass widows parted from their husbands by golf or similar obsessional activities .
6 Both Italian writers commented particularly on the number of goldsmiths ' shops in the city ( 3 , pp.101–5 ; 25 , pp.51–2 ; 35 , pp.42–3 ) .
7 A small number of tenants ' co-operatives have been formed , but if Burrows is correct in his assertion that the scheme was ‘ structured around landlord applications ’ , then an unenthusiastic response from tenants is hardly surprising .
8 On the one hand , the average number of females ' friends who also used heroin was greater , at 2.8 out of 5 against 1.8 out of 5 in the known sample .
9 In 1859 , the number of winners ' medals had become too great to be attached to the silver arrow and the trophy was re-modelled in its present form , in which the original arrow is supported by a silver bow and crossed bolts , all standing on an ebony and silver plinth .
10 There are also a large number of bodies ' accounts which C. and A.G. audits by agreement with the body and the government department concerned .
11 Works attributed to him ( either by himself or by scribes ) include allegories in verse ( such as the Char d'Orgueil , or the Passion , in which Christ is a lover-knight who , wearing the arms of his squire Adam , fights Belial in order to rescue his beloved , Mankind ) , several poems on the Virgin Mary , a number of saints ' lives in verse , some lively sermons in verse , and the Plainte d'Amour , a powerful satire on corruption , which may well have been inspired by the Bull Exivi de paradiso ( 1312 ) .
12 However , some passenger seat cushions and a significant number of passengers ' bodies were recovered and taken to Rhodes .
13 Unfortunately , a number of LDCs ' governments squandered their funds on consumer goods imports and uneconomic projects which made no recognisable increase in their countries ' productive capacities .
14 By comparison with the attendance figures , the number of readers ' tickets issued has increased generally .
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