Example sentences of "while at the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Luce heard the man give a little grunt , while at the same instant the impact drove most of the breath from her body .
2 The conscientious lay person was simply involved in a two-way process of having his or her conscience informed , while at the same time being protected from making unintended errors of judgement .
3 According to the Liberal-Irish alliance , the Irish party was supposed to abstain from the 1901 Conservative bill , aimed at bringing denominational schools in England and Wales into the national education system while at the same time absenting them from local government control : that is , giving finance while maintaining the system of denominational clerical control .
4 Then the trade deficit will make it hard to lower interest rates without undermining sterling , while at the same time reinforcing industry 's demands for cheaper money to help it compete .
5 The forum would now use the information to ‘ press for changes in legislation to enable more money and resources to be directed at the problem , while at the same time doing all we can to enable local people to find local solutions ’ .
6 THE TOM ROBINSON BAND The original line-up , road-testing some new material for future release , while at the same time customising some of the old agit-pop anthems .
7 It was the result of efforts to transfer product systematically from developed to less developed economies , while at the same time retaining the essentially American management style of strong planning , coordination and control from the centre .
8 Refusing to let even this distorted version of myth lie still , the next lines confirm the evolutionary idea , lowering its level while at the same time raising the domestic temperature to the tropical :
9 So too is Homi Bhabha 's scepticism about the way cultural theory uses the ‘ Other ’ to deconstruct ‘ the epistemological ‘ edge' ’ of the West' ; the problem being that ‘ the ‘ ‘ Other' ’ is cited , quoted , framed , illuminated , encased in the shot-reverse-shot strategy of a serial enlightenment' while at the same time losing ‘ its power to signify , to negate , to initiate its ‘ ‘ desire' ’ , to split its ‘ ‘ sign' ’ of identity , to establish its own institutional and oppositional discourse' .
10 But in the end Grey does venture the overall generalization that ‘ the experience in the Korean War demonstrated again the conflict between Dominion aspirations and increasing independence in policy formulation , and the British desire to maintain their status as a great power by drawing on the resources of the Dominions in ‘ friendly cooperation , ’ while at the same time arrogating to themselves the benefits which accrued from such association' ( p. 185 ) .
11 The government responded to the unacceptable strength of the mass picket by setting up a Court of Enquiry ( under Lord Justice Scarman ) while at the same time condemning the ‘ violence ’ of the pickets .
12 He seems to be obsessed with investing every penny , while at the same time turning a blind eye to the needs of his growing family .
13 For sheer daftness there 's no beating the British Tank Malling ( Cannons , Panton Street and Oxford Street , 18 ) which postulates a ludicrously megalomaniac semi-Fascist politico ( Peter Wyngarde ) , backed by criminals , the police , bishops and the judiciary in his attempt to bring moral regeneration to the country , while at the same time feeding the dirty sexual desires of the great and the good who back him .
14 In what he called ‘ a new architecture for a new era ’ , Mr Baker outlined closer co-operation between Western Europe and the US which would bind the West closer together while at the same time ‘ opening up the doors to the East ’ .
15 ‘ But I think it highly unlikely that Mr Clowes could have found any means of ensuring that investigation of the matters in question was averted , while at the same time satisfying the Department that his operations could properly be licensed .
16 Mr George Gardiner ( C. Reigate ) asked how was Mr Hurd going to explain to ethnic minorities already in this country the strict entry controls on their relatives ‘ while at the same time amending the law so as to create a preferential class of treatment for the Hong Kong Chinese ’ ?
17 Their visits break many of the established patterns of human/dolphin encounter : they accept gifts of dead fish ( one theory is that the dolphins receive the fish as a signal from humans that they have come to play and interact ) , and they maintain their own social grouping while at the same time allowing close human contact .
18 Mark Jones , the exhibition 's curator , has taken on the dual task of tracing the history of forgery from archaic Babylon to contemporary California , while at the same time tracing the history of how forgery is understood .
19 New ways of printing make unforeseen demands upon an old face , while at the same time giving the typographer scope to design problems away .
20 Off the field he is mild-mannered and dismissive of his achievements — though his verbal attack on an English journalist at the end of the 1989–90 tour was fulminating stuff — while at the same time he is intensely proud of his humble background , is very much a man of his people .
21 That meant continuing to support British Rail financially while at the same time fighting to make the industry more productive .
22 He felt he was exposing himself ‘ to some danger from hostile forces , one might say , while at the same time having no training or no institutional support …
23 ‘ I think success is all about positive vibes — and they are all a very positive influence on me , while at the same time never being pushy .
24 It is difficult logically to claim that Scottish — or Welsh — devolution would undermine national sovereignty , while at the same time preparing to surrender national sovereignty .
25 There is , I believe , a strong case for encouraging more administrators from the developing countries to participate in seminars of that sort , while at the same time trying to reduce the very heavy demand that would make on the time of people primarily engaged in other tasks .
26 The long period of gestation of the new legislation which began in the climate of reform typical of the 1970s but became entangled then in the fiscal and ideological retrenchment of the 1980s , reveals the complexity of the political debate and the variety of interests that had to be reconciled in drafting a new legal reference point that would modernize Germany 's approach to all questions of youth while at the same time express continuity .
27 A joint statement said that ‘ For Laporte , the reorganisation would provide a unique opportunity to expand its speciality chemicals activity , while at the same time continuing to reduce its involvement in the more capital intensive elements of the chemical industry ’ .
28 On one hand the public demands ever more complex and advanced technology while at the same time mistrusting and denigrating the scientific/technological base that helps to produce today 's high standard of living in the developed world .
29 In this chapter I have once more attempted to describe the work of two pioneers , while at the same time using their work as a platform for discussion of issues which are crucial to my own philosophy .
30 The greatest problem facing schools , now as always , is how to ensure the best possible service to present pupils ( this may be called the steady-state operation ) , while at the same time , developing the creativity which alone will allow us to continue to adapt to change in the future .
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