Example sentences of "off [prep] the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 That was the first of several epic desert walks carried out by both groups and individuals from the SAS who had become cut off during the campaign in North Africa .
2 Now , joined by the second man , whom he called Butch , he started off through the undergrowth in search of Mary .
3 Val set off for the interior in the best of the hire cars available , a well worn seat with grudging breaks , and drove alone on empty roads through a barren and alien territory .
4 When the Dragons first eleven set off for the sun in a couple of weeks time they 'll be taking with them a pretty impressive record , just 2 defeats in the last seven seasons .
5 Blissett , 28 , was sent off after the incident in December 1991 .
6 Anyway , by that stage I was already pissed off after the result in Dublin .
7 Blissett , 28 , of Rickmansworth , Herts , was sent off after the clash in December 1991 .
8 When Simon the Trapper parted from him on the great north ride the Friar loosened the rope that girdled his waist , dragged up his gown a score of inches to free the movement of his lower legs , re-tied his girdle tightly , wiped his hands on the none too clean garment and taking hold of his staff set off up the highway in pursuit of his sack , of Marian , and of the verderers .
9 Set off along the road in cloud but the sun soon broke through .
10 The thief then bound his feet , wrists and mouth with tape and left him face down on the office floor before making off with the money in Barry 's car .
11 Luci Hayter is here , whose husband went off with the girl in market research .
12 With more than $20m-worth of Microsoft shares , Mr Shirley will sail off into the sunset in June , when he plans to retire .
13 They career off into the future in a way that is , in one sense , pointless and futile , in another sense progressive and endlessly fascinating to us , the observers .
14 ‘ You two spend a lot of time talking , ’ she remarked one day , materializing beside my chair as Lynn shambled off into the house in search of tea to counter the Dionysiac influence of the southern sun .
15 My supper flapped off round the corner in a storm of feathers with the blood coming out of the side of its beak .
16 As she got out , she spotted a sign to the library , and set off in the direction in which it pointed .
17 The expenditure concerned therefore will be written off in the year in which it is incurred .
18 In the second division in this day and age , I had to climb a wooden ladder , I had to go all the way to the very top of the main stand and there was a shed , and at the end of the match , surface water forced me to dry my socks off in the radiator in the dressing rooms afterwards .
19 In the Dialtext product virtually the entire Macintosh desktop has been blocked off from the user in order to prevent potential disasters like the erasure of disks or files .
20 The line should be some 10 or 12 yards ( 9 or 10 metres ) long and it should be marked off from the collar in distances of 1 , 2 and 5 yards ( 0.9 , 1.8 and 4.5 metres ) .
21 So much for the talk on with the race … the mountain bikers hit the road first … 144 set off from the start in the centre of town …
22 He rang Inspector Lane to check that Sergeant Evans had been sent off on the business in Essex , to be told Evans was already on his way there .
23 The most informal interview will be one where the interviewer , having once started the interview off on the theme in which he is interested , allows the informant to dictate the subsequent situation .
24 ‘ As my mother no longer had means to live , she died ; and I took myself off to the south in search of more sunshine and a master who asked no questions . ’
25 Mary 's offer had been rejected without their thinking twice about it and she and Adam had said goodbye in a cool , offhand sort of way and Rufus had driven her off to the station in Goblander .
26 I do n't know what view of these events my uncles took as we woke them early and followed them around as faithfully as any spaniel — maybe that was why they often nipped off to the pub in the evenings .
27 I do n't want to send anybody off to the mensa in case something 's happened and he needs us .
28 To keep herself from sleep she suspended herself ingeniously upon a large cross which hung in her room … and should this fail she attached her hair [ the one lock she had not shaved off to the nail in the feet of her Christ so that the least relaxation would inflict terrible suffering on her …
29 He retired to his basket in a huff and I went off to the supermarket in a quandary .
30 When he went off to the war in 1914 she took a job as an usherette in an effort to get as near as possible to the warmth of the theatre and away from the coldness of his family .
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