Example sentences of "off [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To be able to do this they must have tacit knowledge of the characteristics which mark off each type of situation they can identify .
2 He does n't give off that kind of air , but get him with a mate and there 's no stopping him .
3 Maybe — I cut off that line of thinking .
4 You can soak off old glue in water , but you may have to chisel or sand away modern adhesives and you 'll have to use a chisel to clean out the mortise .
5 Hunter-Blair tore off another mouthful of pizza .
6 Philip clipped off another piece of wire .
7 With sudden inspiration she tore off another rag of petticoat and tied it back .
8 Another 250 words may not sound much in the great scheme of things , but after a heavy day at Pipeline and an end-of-contest thrash at the Turtle Bay Hilton , it felt like being asked to dash off another chapter of War and Peace .
9 Why do we not throw off this hangover of socialism and instead celebrate a free enterprise day , a British export day or , better still , a low taxation day ?
10 The intention is not to write off this side of life as " dirty " , as is plain elsewhere in Scripture .
11 Switching off this mode of processing allows the complimentary mode to predominate .
12 In the ninth century , one poet praised its beauty , while another drowned in it ; salt-traders and vintners plied it as a matter of routine ; nobles and religious communities with estates on both sides of it had boats ready for regular crossings and landing-stages where their men could send off surplus produce for sale and unload imports for their masters ' consumption ; Vikings contemplated arduous upstream journeys , but quick getaways ; Charles the Bald , worried over strategic problems , planned the river 's blocking , and policing , and also exploited the symbolic possibilities of meetings at Orléans , Fleury , Cosne , Meung , Pouilly to which nobles must come from Aquitaine by crossing the river while Charles himself received his visitors on the Frankish side .
13 Every atom seeks equilibrium at the lowest energy level , giving off surplus energy as radiation .
14 The government could also help Scottish consumers by agreeing to write off existing debt on water and sewerage to create equal conditions with English and Welsh water and sewerage arrangements .
15 Workers in Ellesmere Port beat off stiff competition from sister company Opel in Germany to win the contract for the plant .
16 Workers in Ellesmere Port beat off stiff competition from sister company Opel in Germany to win the contract for the plant .
17 The natives roam their rather less than spectacular slopes in huge gangs , effectively blocking off one tract of mountain from the next so that foreigners spend much of their time waiting for detached companions .
18 Even a well-lagged cylinder will still give off enough heat to air clothes if your cylinder is in an airing cupboard .
19 Cleanse your face as usual and take off any residue with toner .
20 At the same time I practised assiduously my calculus of personal ritual to ward off any kind of eidesis .
21 The debate over 1990 funding for the NEA , and Jesse Helms 's attempts to cut off federal funding for art that he and the fundamentalist lobby find obscene , continues .
22 I suspect the answer lies in the demographic changes of the 1980s , which showed a substantial and unexpected in-migration to Scotland , on the same scale and pattern as the ‘ incomers ’ to Wales who were selling off expensive property in south east England and settling down on the proceeds .
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