Example sentences of "away and [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But Malcolm Brodie , who must have been 80 yards away and looking at the player 's back , could say the goal was quite rightly disallowed .
2 But as she seized it in her hand , before her horrified eyes the dried petals fell away and fluttered to the floor , scattering like confetti at her feet .
3 At once Moore rushed towards it , but the rat ran away and disappeared into the shadows .
4 He coughed mildly to test its depth and the sound was spirited away and absorbed into the stillness .
5 Together they floated away and played in the clear , blue sky .
6 She turned her gaze away and stared towards the river , watching the faint sway of the trees as their branches dipped and brushed against the water , but after a few too brief seconds she found her eyes drawn helplessly back to that window , and gasped .
7 She looked away and stared at the fire again .
8 She half turned away and stared at the horizon .
9 ‘ You 've never implored in your life , ’ Ruth murmured , resting her wet head on his shirt for a second before pulling away and perching on the edge of the lounger .
10 He tried to catch the attendant 's eye but the man was already turning away and reaching for the nozzle of the pump hose .
11 Prentice swung away and lurched towards the door .
12 You may first come across this problem when a new baby arrives and suddenly the things she thought of as hers — like her cot — are taken away and given to the ‘ interloper ’ .
13 While waiting , she gazed solemnly at the sinister Bridge of Sighs a few yards away and thought of the prisoners who 'd gazed out of its thickly grilled windows , looking for the last time on the beauties of Venice before they were incarcerated — or executed for causing the displeasure of powerful nobles .
14 In the case of the curious ‘ rodent-run ’ display , it is as if the bird is running away and hiding at the same time .
15 The last line on each page peels away and dives through the bottom of the paper .
16 She put her bike away and sauntered into the room .
17 The scarf came away and fell on the floor , twisted in a multiple S.
18 Blue smoke rose from the grill , she snatched the toast away and scraped off the burnt part .
19 He backed away and looked along the front of the house .
20 He took his hand away and looked at the smear of red blood on his fingers .
21 He attacks the Doctor , but two Didonians enter , and in terror Bennett backs away and falls over the ledge .
22 She parked on a verge some distance away and ran to the roundabout .
23 She glanced at him , then turned her head away and ran into the house .
24 Matilda laughed and turned away and ran up the path to her front-door , calling out as she went , ‘ Good-bye , Miss Honey !
25 ‘ Piss orf , ’ I hissed at them and they calmly turned away and continued down the street , convinced I really was a genuine cabby .
26 He turned away and walked across the street .
27 Myeloski turned away and walked to the river-wall , leant against it .
28 With that , he turned away and walked towards the waiting van .
29 Only when the last bullet had been fired and when Clint Eastwood had matter-of-factly and deftly dropped the six-shooter back into its holster , flicked the cheroot away and walked into the sunset , did the man in the old jacket and cords , legs dangling over the seat in front , get up and shamble slowly up the darkened aisle .
30 Vincent turned away and staggered to the wire and hung limp across it , his body trembling .
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