Example sentences of "away [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If an insect blunders into it the owner will rush out , deliver a swift poisoned bite to her victim and then wrap it in bonds of yet a different silk and carry it away for consumption at leisure .
2 Miguel often went away for hours on end , but never when Jose was there .
3 The transporter is being taken away for examination by Department of Transport experts investigating the cause of the accident
4 While no one objects to him chasing the girls a bit ( the roads are safe enough and drivers know him and avoid him ) , he stays away for days on end and is obviously getting into scraps with other dogs — presumably male rivals who 've beaten the same path to the bitches ' doors !
5 And there had been very hard times indeed when Daddy Ni was drunk and away for days on end and no one else in the family was earning : except the mother slaving in beatified drudgery .
6 For there was nobody like Daddy Ni as a drinker , heroic , a ‘ twelve pints a day man ’ , often away for nights on end — ‘ met a friend ’ — incapable of passing a pub , and a gambler too — ‘ the dogs ’ — leaving wife and children short and maybe desperate when times were hard enough already .
7 I actually became interested , not so much in the women locally but my o , my own grandmother Greta , was a herring gutter from Wick I never knew her , I have one photograph of her taken with her two children , and when my children were small I used to look at this and think , how did she get away for weeks to work and follow the boats
8 There was nothing unusual about MPs getting carried away during debates on crime and violence , however , or for the Speaker to find it necessary to call for ‘ Order ! ’ against ‘ shouts of sadistic enthusiasm ’ when whipping was on the agenda .
9 There was a narrow-gauge rail track stretching away through acres of cut cane , and in the distance a little tank engine panting wisps of smoke as a gang of men loaded its trailer wagons .
10 Although in France changes in the balance of class relations permitted a whittling away of forms of labour representation in the state enterprises , in Britain they have been much more resistant to change , until recent years at least .
11 Earlier in this chapter I explained that with some foods you CAN get away with guesswork about quantity , and weighing is unnecessary .
12 not know , of course there 's a , wears away with lack of use , but when you 're in the water you want web feet because there
13 The men got away with £4,500 in cash as well as cheque books and cashpoint cards which were kept along with their pin numbers .
14 Although Cheetham walked away with packets of dosh and has taken over Weidenfeld , his new list of authors relies on the same tired ( and expensive ) formula of ‘ star ’ novelists , which ultimately bores the reader and spoils the cash flow .
15 Hidden away under cover in south Oxfordshire there 's a secret rose garden being grown by a man with a mission .
16 She twisted and gazed back to where the Black Cuillins arced away in ridge after ridge of jagged stone , rearing up into a flawless sky .
17 In a strong khaki handkerchief he kept his money , the handful of coins he had managed to save or pilfer and hide away in spite of Sweetheart 's threats that she would always find him out if he tried to lie or keep wicked secrets from her .
18 In the summer , while Branson was away in Europe on business , Joan , now six months pregnant , returned to Scotland for a holiday .
19 Yeremi recognized plasma cannons , macro-cannons , defence lasers — artillery which could melt fully armoured Marines , which could blow them away in scraps like chaff .
20 Under Juan 's pony 's elegant hooves , the ground was cracking and blowing away in clouds of dust .
21 ASHINWARI or Afridi tribesman in Afghanistan grows the poppies and sends them by donkey or truck to his cousin a few miles away in Pakistan for processing .
22 for young people and if one of the things that corporations to my mind have a positive duty to do which is the social responsibility and we live in a society so increasingly fractured , rudderless and you know not so far away in places from anarchy that they have a duty to do things which effect maybe to see one the Bs not the A ones the Bs
23 Ironically the incident comes on the same day a new motor project for youngsters was launched two miles away in Horspath by motor racing star …
24 He saw them at their home , talked with them , wrote to them , received letters from them — and all the time heard blow-by-blow accounts of their sexual activities , all of which a few years earlier would have had them rotting away in jail for life .
25 Statistically less significant but no less painful conditions were old age , disability , widowhood , or desertion by the husband , which was sometimes permanent , sometimes temporary if , like so many working men of the period , he tramped away in search of work .
26 A black rat crept out of the left sleeve and scuttled away in search of cheese .
27 Other times it flew away in search of food .
28 Other seem to be trying to assuage a guilt known only to themselves , and a few are out to keep Ali a player , a lure to those who might want to use his name in business ; though the marketplace turns away from billboards in decline .
29 He asked their Lordships for the forthcoming Proof before the Sheriff to be heard away from Orkney in mainland Scotland .
30 National figures show a marked shift away from consumption of alcohol in pubs and clubs and towards consumption at home , as demonstrated in the following table :
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