Example sentences of "while [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 My mother threw insults and then the crockery , while my father ignored the insults , caught the crockery , and produced endless cups of tea when they eventually decided to make up .
2 The girls all became Ladies , Charles , then aged eleven , was made a Viscount while their father became the 8th Earl and inherited Althorp .
3 And while they played in the barn and while their mother sang the girl found something behind the haystack .
4 The length of this Argand vector representation of ( ) gives the magnitude of the denominator of G ( ο); while its orientation gives the corresponding phase .
5 While her boss took the unsuspecting Carolyn out to lunch , workers hoisted her H-reg Volkswagen Polo 20ft into the air with a borrowed crane and parked it neatly on the roof .
6 If the reciprocal roles and activities which occur in a family in the mutual interdependency phase can be sorted out , it enhances the status and well-being of each side , so that we see a grandmother who mends while her daughter does the washing , an old person baby-sits while the young neighbour does shopping .
7 This year 's PFAS Child of Valour award went to Wendy Windsmoor , aged nine , who stood for no less that 17 minutes , reserving a vacant meter spot in Oxford while her father negotiated the one-way system .
8 When they heard the car they went carefully downstairs , and her mother settled her in while her father held the door and Alan put her bag in the boot .
9 Jules continued to chatter while her mind digested the fact that she was holding Lucenzo 's handkerchief — yet the initials on it were LC .
10 He watched her mouth fall open like an idiot 's , while her hand let the brush clatter to the floor ; she fell sideways , whether in a real or assumed faint he did not know or care .
11 She read and read and read while her aunt mended the socks of her husband and brothers or sewed innumerable buttons on their shirts .
12 Melanie wrestled with self-pity and memory as she sat in the kitchen with her book while her aunt sewed the last seams of the Greek tunic .
13 Dorothy Marshall describes a case in the eighteenth century which resulted in a servant being hanged : she held a candle while her lover slit the butler 's throat .
14 When the children were young " big sister " was delegated to get the smaller ones ready for bed while her mother shared the leadership of the evening services.Joyce told the children fairy stories or Bible stories and they sang Army songs and choruses .
15 Miguel was saying ‘ Yes ’ and ‘ I see ’ while his caller did the talking .
16 Forced landings were common , even Charlie Chaplin was seen standing on the sands of Bologne in the early 1920s while his pilot fixed the aircraft .
17 The Orc and Goblin player uses the Orc and Goblin army list , while his opponent uses the list from the Warhammer Armies book for his army .
18 While his job lacks the other features of the policeman 's work which lead to social isolation ( cf.
19 In the fourteenth century , for instance , Arnaud de Cervole was in and out of royal employment and was actually appointed royal chamberlain in 1363 , while his son had the duke of Burgundy as his godfather .
20 The Counsellor with the gun kept it trained on her while his colleague operated the lock of Elaine 's cell .
21 I had hoped he and I might snuggle in the back of the car while his mate did the driving .
22 Yet we can pick out and concentrate on the voice of a newcomer , or any other event which interests us , while our brain reduces the rest to a background noise .
23 It should be appreciated , however , that exactly the same kind of analysis as we shall develop here could be made equally revealingly of practical , everyday communism , Christianity , the apartheid philosophy of white South Africa , l the delusions of the mentally ill , or , as Ernest Gellner so tellingly shows , contemporary linguistic philosophy.2 So while our quest to understand the mysteries of witchcraft may take us deep into the inaccessible jungles of distant continents , we shall regularly encounter disconcertingly familiar images showing how dose to home we really are .
24 Meanwhile , while our association welcomes the six months stay of execution for the Redmire line ( Echo , Feb 19 ) may we urge all those concerned about this issue that there is no room for complacency .
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