Example sentences of "while [v-ing] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1469 , King Louis XI of France conferred with King Henry IV of Castile here ; in 1526 the captive King Francis I was exchanged for his two sons , who stood in for him as hostages with his great enemy , the Emperor Charles V ; in 1659 , the Peace of the Pyrenees between France and Spain was negotiated on the island ; and a year later , the contract of marriage was signed which consolidated that epoch-making treaty , between Louis XIV and the Infant a ( it was while helping to decorate the Spanish pavilion for the occasion that the painter Velázquez is said to have caught his death of cold ) .
2 Julie Ramirez , 22 , suddenly whipped off her bikini top before the judges , while competing to represent the Dominican Republic in the Miss World contest .
3 What he had just said hit her like a douche of cold water , and instantly Leith , while wanting to hammer the living daylights out of him , — although still forgetful of her tenuous job position — was otherwise working on full brain power .
4 While refusing to name the firm interested in taking over Dangerfield — it will only say interest has been expressed by a British-based private company — the region hopes the sale will go ahead .
5 The incidence of this higher rate of tax — totalling , inclusive of the loan , 25 per cent — is therefore misleading ; in effect it acknowledged the superior position of £40 men while seeking to evade the full implications .
7 Meanwhile , back at the ivory tower , lobby groups are busying themselves with the legal questions while waiting to get the big question answered ( i.e. why do people do it ? ) .
8 For good measure , the Government also announced that , while waiting to introduce the statutory sick pay scheme , sickness benefit would be similarly ‘ abated ’ , as would unemployment benefit .
9 Agassi , who already has a rich choice of cars , including a Ferrari and a Lamborghini , acquired his new machine in Hawaii , while waiting to play the first round David Cup match in January .
10 It offers the promise of much more precision to the vague categories of the BCG and McKinsey-GE matrices , while attempting to incorporate the valuable insights of those matrices into the capital-budgeting decision .
11 These models develop continuously while attempting to modify the external situation ( physical or social ) .
12 ( By 1981 , sixteen States had passed Equal Rights Amendments to their own State Constitutions , only one of them in the South — Arkansas : interestingly , Illinois passed its own , while failing to ratify the Federal amendment . )
13 In a few days time the nation will again pay lip service to the thousands killed in action during the Second World War , while preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic with a spectacular visit from a NATO fleet in May .
14 An unexpected error has occurred while trying to access the appropriate charge code .
15 Like advertising , it relies on the viewer 's instant recognition , while trying to shock the same viewer out of this automatic reaction .
16 A two-year-old motor-cruiser with a litre of two-year-old diesel in its tanks used it up while trying to separate the crashed boats , and so joined them .
17 Local authorities will have to administer the dying poll tax and deal with all the problems associated with that , while trying to get the new council tax system into play .
18 In effect each rider lifts his own body weight , plus the weight of his bike , all these thousands of metres , while trying to maintain the highest pace and also to outwit his rivals .
19 I understand your longing for England but the route to happiness lies in making the most of the good bits while planning to change the bad bits at the earliest opportunity .
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