Example sentences of "while [pers pn] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That 's when Mrs Marsh from over the road comes and sits with her while I get to the shops .
2 you see I 've got one in the front room and I had this one put in so then I say if I am in the kitchen , I say , I lift up the receiver , hello , and hear who it is and then I , I say hang on while I get round the chair and then you see I sit on the arm of this chair and talk because er it 's difficult to stand too long
3 I followed Jack 's Mercedes a short way along the side roads and he then headed due south while I shot down the motorway towards home .
4 ‘ Now — ’ he turned to Sophie ‘ — will you hold it , please , and keep up the tension while I put on the plaster ?
5 A botanist spent 10 minutes trying to identify it for me , while I fretted between the reception desk and the child .
6 She 's supporting an unemployed Turkish waiter with my money while I sit in the dark .
7 Next year my wife starts in earnest on the gardens , driving back to Blackberry and Elver , while I experiments with the outside colour scheme .
8 I take her to school , I come back , and my husband shoots off he minds the other two for me while I go to the school .
9 When six chimed on the clock above the door , I reluctantly asked him to push the blind back in , and to lock up while I checked over the day 's takings .
10 The sting proved a lightning cure for his hangover , for he stood rubbing his arse while I rushed to the farmacia for a remedy .
11 He unselfishly stayed on the crag while I struggled with The Fang in wintry dusk and rain .
12 She sat like that for what seemed like ages while I tramped round the room , nervous and on edge and blabbering with the excitement .
13 I affected to become social with the others but out of the corner of my mind — while I played for the others the part of a poor miner 's son who was puzzled , but delighted by the attention these lovely people paid to him — I had her under close observation …
14 I might eat a bread roll without the butter while I wait for the meal to arrive , and slimline or diet drinks act as a wonderful filler .
15 Department managers , new checkouts , do all the bits and pieces on , and wanted me to do , while I wait for the shift to come in , and they start at seven .
16 While I wait in the darkness , the damn grill drags out its dying spasms like it was Jimmy Cagney on the steps of City Hall .
17 A very cold lump formed at the back of my spine while I waited for the rest of it .
18 Hour after hour the legions marched past , walking as much over each others ' bodies as over the ground , while I waited for the queen .
19 While I waited for the doctor , worried stiff , a girl arrived , advanced in labour .
20 While I came to the Arctic when I realized that climbing , my first love , was losing its appeal , Tony was born to the area , loving it , one might believe , even before he saw his first photograph of it .
21 Nathan had watched while I went under the rock , had been surprised when I vigorously stood up and had stood transfixed as I gently pitched forwards off the rock .
22 Mala agreed with a surprisingly little hesitation to stay behind and protect the ship , while I went into the spaceport city .
23 — I remember , & never shall forget , my father 's face as he looked upon me while I lay in the servant 's arms — so calm , and the tears stealing down his face : for I was the child of his old age .
24 I was beginning to feel sleepy , and very cold ; the temperature seemed to have gone down , and I was shivering even while I sweated from the furnace-like emanations of the curry .
25 you see I moved a bit more now but and I I 've still got good hearing er apart from this ear here , this ear , I ca n't hear so well , quite so well , this side , you see so I always have to say excuse me while I , hang on while I turn off the television , you see , and then they have to wait a minute till I turn it off and then what I do is because I have this phone extension put in
26 With the borrowed gun I keep him covered while I back to the cabin door and open it .
27 I noted last week , while I hung like the average orang-outang from a strap in a train on the London underground , gazing about at travellers ' knitteds , that many of them had cuffs rolled up .
28 It took a conscious effort to resist the urge to close my eyes , while I signalled to the traffic behind and made an emergency stop .
29 So just sit back and wait while I disappear into the studio .
30 While I sulked in the tent , nursing my wounds and recovering from the thorough sandbagging , Mick was hatching a plan .
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