Example sentences of "while [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Naturally the coach roads were the worst affected , while off the beaten track Green and no doubt others , continued to enjoy the former hospitality and generosity .
2 Newcastle employed him at Claremont , Surrey ( 1752 ) , and as chancellor of Cambridge University secured his employment to design the university library ( 1754–8 ) ; while for the second duke he worked at Clumber House , Nottinghamshire ( 1768–78 , demolished ) , and designed the bridge in Newark in the same county ( 1775 ) .
3 For the first group , more careful diagnostic and treatment procedures , especially extent of surgical resection , are essential in preventing recurrence , while for the second group , one has to identify means of blocking the function of or deleting the effects of persisting carcinogenetic factors , such as hepatitis B virus infection .
4 For men in the 16-19 age group it was just 1.9 per cent , while for the 60-64 age group it was 10.2 per cent .
5 More complicated was the situation at Queen 's , where designs for the front quad were prepared by Hawksmoor , but the scheme executed by Townesend ( 1710–21 ) appears to have been almost entirely the joint work of himself and Clarke ; while for the new building at Magdalen , the original design by Edward Holdsworth [ q.v. ] was revised by Townesend in 1731 under Clarke 's direction .
6 Rather , it is to agree with his conclusion that , while for the articulate elite , like the artisans who constituted the Owenite membership of the National Union of Working Classes and Others and who debated reform at the London Rotunda , the kind of reform they wanted — annual parliaments , universal suffrage and the ballot — was just what Grey expressly denied .
7 So , while for the scholastic tradition ‘ opinion ’ concerns contingencies , for Locke it concerns what seem like contingencies to us , but what , in reality , may be universal certainties .
8 For the first three firms we can use the Gordon growth model ( 6.27 ) , while for the last firm we use the supernormal growth model ( 6.38 ) .
9 For the Hungarian political parties , facing a general election in March , the issue is of great importance , while for the provisional government now in control in Bucharest the question of Romania 's sovereignty remains extremely sensitive .
10 IBM Corp 3172 functionality will be provided on the company 's router systems as phase 3 of the plan during the first half of next year , while during the second half there will be an expansion of multiprotocol routing with the inclusion of APPN/NN routing .
11 Such features are not consistent with the idea that the peninsula was built by longshore drift from the east , unless such drift was active only for short periods while during the intervening time the drift was predominantly from the west .
12 The price policies are less sensitive to the inclusion of scale economies ; with the EC minimum import price , welfare is reduced an additional 0.08% , while with the optimal tariff , welfare is increased by an extra 0.24% .
13 The fingers of one hand tugged and pulled , ineffectually , at the dark hair , while with the other hand she held him , her breast thrust against him , feeling the strength of her longing sap the power from her limbs .
14 Business men find it especially odd that the Labour party intends to introduce a minimum wage with one hand while with the other hand it would remove our tax cuts for the lowest paid .
15 While with the ancient city state there was a unity between town and country , since country settlements were really extensions of the city both in the type of economic activity which took place there and in the principles of social organization in the two places , this was not so under feudalism .
16 In the case of the UK quota , welfare is reduced by an additional 3.27% relative to the free trade case , while with the tariff-equivalent quota , welfare is reduced by 3.23% .
17 It is also interesting to note that , when Labour was last in power , the combined contribution to the national insurance scheme by an employee earning £52 a week and his employer was £10.40 , while under the present Government it is £3.43 .
18 It was found that , with instructions to verbally rehearse , reaction times were faster to left hemisphere probes , while under the relational imagery condition reaction times were faster to right hemisphere probes .
19 Thus certain states of Nigeria such as Bendel and Oyo States have curriculum units within Ministry Planning Divisions while under the latest reorganisation in Ghana , the Curriculum Development Division has been established as one of the divisions in the Ghana Education Service .
20 The problem in a book of this kind is , of course , that in the northern hemisphere Betelgeux is higher than Rigel , while from the southern hemisphere the reverse is true , and from the equator the Hunter appears in a rather undignified sideways position .
21 In so doing , she encapsulates the polarity that pulls female artists today : from one magnetic field , the radical difference of the female body tugs at artists ' imaginations , while from the opposite pole , the crucial determining role of material and cultural circumstances cancels that radical difference in its foundations and essence and introduces fluctuating criteria .
22 Sheffield nail makers purloined wire , while in the Black Country iron , lead and brass were easy to dispose of among the thousands of small forges .
23 In the Hindu folk tradition , rebirth of the spiritual entity in a hell or a heaven is likewise dependent upon its moral behaviour while in the bodily container .
24 Dispersal agents must have changed with time as in long-lived taxa such as Ginkgo biloba ( Ginkgoaceae ) and Podocarpaceae , which were probably dispersed by long-extinct groups of reptiles , while in the largest genus of plants with fleshy fruits in New Zealand , Coprosma ( Rubiaceae ) , comprising 29% of all such species there and 50% of the species of fleshy-fruited shrubs , 52 species are dispersed by birds , bats , lizards and formerly the moas , now extinct .
25 While in the nineteenth century , Marx appeared simply as an ‘ anti-theologian ’ , many of the themes in his work have come to play a role in more recent theological discussion .
26 In her wake , mud or no , came another French author , even more broad-minded , in the person of François Rabelais , while in the nineteenth century the spa 's literary connections became more exalted still when the great Romantic writers , Alfred de Vigny , Chateaubriand and George Sand all visited it .
27 Violence continued to be reported mainly from communities outside Tskhinvali , the capital of South Ossetia , while in the first week of February Soviet television showed footage of the principal buildings in Tskhinvali ransacked apparently by Georgian militants during January 's violence .
28 The younger element , like Mark Perry , are being allowed to make their mistakes while in the first team and , once greater experience tells , United will have a balanced side of rich promise .
29 ( Melastomataceae ) , while in the Malay Peninsula , raindrops run down the longitudinally dehisced capsules of Didymocarpus spp .
30 In Japan it will be to the particular company , while in the Arab world it is the family which is the key to social , business and over-arching structures .
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