Example sentences of "part [prep] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Spain and Portugal took part for the first time , having signed accession protocols on Nov. 14 , 1988 ( see pp. 36105-06 ; 36429 ) .
2 A number of countries which were suspected ( principally by the USA and other Western countries ) of developing chemical weapons-including Libya , Iraq and Syria-were among a total of 22 countries taking part for the first time in the committee 's deliberations since the opening of the spring session , albeit as observers .
3 Among other multilateral contacts , Albanian delegations took part for the first time in a range of regional meetings , including a conference of Mediterranean chambers of commerce in April and one on Mediterranean water sources in May .
4 The Christian Democratic Party ( PDC ) won 28 per cent and 26 seats , the right-wing National Conciliation Party ( PCN ) 9 per cent and nine seats and the left-wing Democratic Convergence ( CD ) 12.2 per cent and eight seats , although earlier estimates had suggested that the CD , which took part for the first time in a legislative election , had overtaken the PCN into third place .
5 Towards the latter part of the first century , Rome 's presiding cleric named Clement wrote on behalf of his church to remonstrate with the Corinthian Christians who had ejected clergy without either financial or charismatic endowment in favour of a fresh lot ; Clement apologized not for intervening but for not having acted sooner .
6 However , this runs counter to basic principles of intellectual property rights ; such an activity with respect to a copyright work would probably infringe copyright because any derivative work would contain a copy of a substantial part of the first work .
7 The memo continues by stating that if the group who were to be part of the first squadron returned by road , they would waste too much time and should therefore be flown back to collect the new vehicles and supplies needed at Kufra .
8 An example would be where the firm is carrying out one exercise , which then prompts the idea of another exercise as an integral part of the first service ( eg a review of a person 's CGT position leads to advice being given on an appropriate pension policy ) .
9 This cycle is shown in the left-hand part of the first chart on this page ( borrowed from Alan Budd , the chief economist of Barclays Bank ) .
10 The tenant of a first-floor flat , having subdivided the apartment with the lessor 's consent , erected an external staircase which provided access to one part of the first floor .
11 I was no longer part of the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
12 The supreme irony for Hill was being part of the first South West team to win the ADT Divisional Championship two weeks ago .
13 Eight properties have been completed as part of the first renovation phase .
14 Applicants holding GCE A-level passes of sufficiently high standard in appropriate subjects may be offered exemption from all or part of the first year of most honours degree courses ; indeed such opportunities may also be available to applicants offering other qualifications .
15 Do so can not be replaced by a ‘ copy ’ of part of the first clause .
16 And I always spend the greater part of the first session explaining just what is going to happen and how he is going to feel ; as a result I hope that , by the time we begin the hypnosis itself , the patient will have had all his questions answered and his fears allayed , and will have begun to feel confidence in me and what I am about to do .
17 The three major trials mentioned by the authors as being part of the second wave — those of International Times ( November 1970 ) , The Little Red Schoolbook ( March 1971 ) and OZ 28 ( June 1971 ) all occurred before the publication of The Longford Report or the launch of the Festival of Light , put forward as being part of the first wave .
18 In particular , the subjectivist 's charge that the defence doctrine leads to the harsh objectivism of the reasonable man as a standard can be refuted by treating the reasonableness requirement as not being a second and subsequent question which must be answered in the affirmative in order to secure an acquittal , but as an integral part of the first question : Did the accused hold the belief he claims to have held ?
19 On Dec. 18 , as part of the first round of the CFE talks , the US Defence Department announced proposals to cut US forces by 55,000 , an increase of 22,000 on Bush 's initial proposals in July 1989 .
20 A different or ‘ variant issue ’ can occur as part of the first edition when , after some copies have already been published , some alteration is made and even another title-page substituted .
21 In 1816 she satirizes the rambling , retrospective structure of the Gothic novel , producing a satiric plan for one such story , where the scene constantly shifts from one set of people to another , and the greater part of the first volume is taken up with a narration , by the heroine 's father , of past events in his various life .
22 ‘ You are a part of the first forest .
23 Barclay pulled a pen from his pocket and prodded part of the first plate .
24 In the early part of the first coalition he was rather anti-Lloyd George and pro-Asquith , but by December 1916 he was ready for a change and accepted the pro-Lloyd George lead of Bonar Law , who had a little hesitantly made him his parliamentary private secretary a few months before .
25 It is for this reason that a large part of the first consultation is taken up by conversation .
26 The Leviathan was launched in Hamburg in 1913 but was subsequently sent to the United States as part of the First World War reparations , and eventually reached the ship-breaker 's yard in Rosyth in 1983 .
27 ‘ Oase ’ , one of three posters to play on the signature initial of the brand name , was part of the first stage of the new campaign which significantly improved Asbach 's performance in the second half of the year
28 The published part of the first report amounted to only twelve pages ( Lloyd , 1987 ) ( with an appendix of one page giving details of the number of warrants issued by the Home Office and the Scottish
29 Hilton , however , devotes a considerable part of the first section of The Ladder to these practices , which a modern reader could easily misunderstand .
30 STOP PRESS The Shearwater jacket was part of the first prize in our Rohan competition in the June issue , but unfortunately the colours reproduced badly .
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