Example sentences of "never be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But , he stressed that donated blood , which lasts for up to 100 days in a patient , can never be replaced by formulations .
2 Roh responded by accusing the protesters of seeking to overthrow the country 's " liberal democratic system " , and insisted that Cabinet changes " can never be dictated by opposition parties or activists " .
3 Music when it advances into more subtle and profound regions , explores new emotions that will never be encompassed by words .
4 In fact there was nothing ‘ reasonable ’ about it , and Bismarck knew this , for at the first whisper of Leopold 's appearance on the scene the French Ambassador had , officially , let it be known to Berlin that this candidacy would never be accepted by Napoleon III .
5 They will never be gained by violence . ’
6 Before they even touched he knew it had been wrong to come , he knew he had reopened a wound that would never heal and could never be soothed by consummation , unless the war should end soon and they should both survive .
7 Of all lights in the room these make the biggest difference and are a blessing since you can plug them in and put them behind plants , or in corners , or behind large pieces of furniture to give a beautiful , dramatic accent light , creating mood and interest that could never be imagined by day .
8 Did she really mean us to infer , I wonder , that Her Royal Highness indulges in a certain filthy habit which , one feels sure , would never be adopted by Mother Theresa ?
9 Amongst the disorganised provision were to be found examples of clients who would never be charged by solicitors ; advice-giving by stipendiary magistrates , magistrates ' clerks , and county court registrars ; a poor Man 's Lawyer service in London and the provinces staffed by volunteers ; trade union legal advice and Citizens ' Advice Bureaux .
10 He represented the dawn of a new age which would never be engulfed by darkness .
11 The fact that Oslear has been stripped of his position as the umpires ' boss at their annual meeting , means that Palmer , Hampshire and the England team now fear Allan Lamb 's sensational Daily Mirror revelations may never be backed by cricket 's dithering chiefs at the Test and County Cricket Board .
12 She would never be allowed by Miss Angus to explain in front of the other women , she felt angrily .
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