Example sentences of "never be [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 And experts fear they may never be seen by the public .
2 And experts fear they may never be seen by the public .
3 But if every work of art is simply the expression of the artist 's intuition , it is evident that an absolute or complete pattern would be useless , since the intuitions of two different minds could never be expressed by the same form : nor can anything in art be said to have been ‘ done once for all ’ , since if it were ‘ done again ’ by another hand — used , that is , to express the intuition of another spirit — it would be no longer what had been done before .
4 The expertise of specialist planning consultants can never be replaced by the generalist , particularly where complex projects such as town centre schemes and developments which may proceed to a major planning inquiry are involved .
5 And her own delicate manual skills could never be hampered by the customised membrane-thin spacesuits that she works in .
6 It was too late to save the mother , but by flaunting my privileges under her nose , taunting her with the contrast between my power and her weakness , my wealth and her poverty , I was helping to ensure that her children 's chances in life would never be blighted by the well-wishing do-goodism which had crippled me .
7 It is common that learned attitudes and behaviour patterns may never be questioned by the grown-up child .
8 First , there is his attitude towards the texts he is writing about : because writing can never be governed by the intention and avowed aims of its authors , Derrida finds himself saying of Rousseau , for example , that what he actually writes is quite different from what he means to say : that he is bound , as we all are , to say ‘ more , less or something quite other than what he would mean/would like to say [ voudrait dire ] ’ ( 1976 : 158 ] .
9 Then we will serve the power that guides us , and Haiti will never be exploited by the blancs again .
10 An opportunity should never be judged by the size of the potential gains but by the likelihood of those gains .
11 Jewish and Muslim mystics also emphasised the transcendence of the God who would never be known by the human soul in its entirety — even in the next world .
12 He told Macmillan that if any harm befell him ‘ it would have a most serious effect upon the relations of Ghana with the Commonwealth … the failure to help Lumumba would never be forgotten by the people of Africa . ’
13 But then again , I 've always believed that the players have to show that character out there on the pitch , they have n't , they learnt their lesson , losing four two against Swindon , that match will never be forgotten by the supporters , it does n't matter if they win the Cup , it 'll never be forgotten .
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