Example sentences of "never [vb pp] [det] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 've never heard such a ridiculous idea in my entire life .
2 Artemis , who had never sat such a prodigious leap on a horse , let alone one taken side-saddle , leaned well back and sat the jump well .
3 She had never felt such a queer sensation before and was suddenly sad because it was this man who was going to take her innocence away from her .
4 At the end of the recording , the woman who had been showering him with questions observed the following : ‘ I have never done such a difficult interview .
5 I 've never seen such a lazy Dog Chaser . ’
6 I 've never seen such a perfect couple . ’
7 But I have never seen such a total lack of staff discipline in my entire career in the hotel business .
8 I have never seen such a terrible run of expressions in a pair of eyes .
9 I had never seen such a mouthwatering display of food on our table .
10 She had never seen such a fat woman ; voluptuous was the word that came into her mind .
11 I 've never seen such a beautiful country in my life .
12 Should the sentence , ‘ I have never seen such a beautiful bride ’ be read as , ‘ I have NEVER seen such a beautiful bride ’ , or ‘ I have never seen such a BEAUTIFUL bride ’ ?
13 Should the sentence , ‘ I have never seen such a beautiful bride ’ be read as , ‘ I have NEVER seen such a beautiful bride ’ , or ‘ I have never seen such a BEAUTIFUL bride ’ ?
14 Should the sentence , ‘ I have never seen such a beautiful bride ’ be read as , ‘ I have NEVER seen such a beautiful bride ’ , or ‘ I have never seen such a BEAUTIFUL bride ’ ?
15 Or even ‘ I ’ have never seen such a beautiful bride ’ .
16 ‘ Well , cousin Tess , ’ he said , ‘ I 've never seen such a beautiful thing as you !
17 Apart from Maeve 's , he had never seen such a beautiful face .
18 He had never seen such a beautiful girl in all his life .
19 In fourteen years working with sheep , farmer Gwyn Davies has never seen such a whopping lamb before :
20 ‘ I had never seen such a clean town .
21 Fitzormonde , despite his travels , had never seen such a huge beast .
22 I 've never seen such a bullet-ridden corpse .
23 Since 1917 the locals had never seen such a large group of visitors .
24 I have never seen such a large number of people and we were all overwhelmed by such a reception .
25 Alright , now we come to the erm , first resolution , erm , but before I invite Alan Morgan , to er , er , er , propose this resolution let me just say , it will of course be the last occasion , I 've never seen such a remarkable er , demonstration of the interest which we all have in the future of Alan .
26 I have never seen such a filthy river winding through pleasant valleys .
27 I 've never seen such a miserable dog .
28 I said to him : ‘ I 've never seen such a big funeral .
29 I said to him : ‘ I 've never seen such a big funeral .
30 He 'd never had such a peaceful sleep
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