Example sentences of "never [verb] [noun] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Britain appeared to have little interest in the area , Russia was preoccupied with her domestic problems , and in any case the Tsar had never forgiven Austria for her lack of support during the Crimean War .
2 They played together a couple of evenings every month , but after that first time by mutual consent they never made love in her house , any more than they did in his .
3 She had never met Naomi in her life , but in death she grew to love her : she had taken her into herself , had learned her likings , had read her books and tried ( although not herself musical ) to listen to her music , she had spoken much of her to the children , had insisted upon treating her as an ally , as a friend beyond the grave , had reinvented her and kept her close to them — oh , not without awareness of the dangers , of the necessary distortions and consolations , but then all life is danger , and Liz had embarked willingly upon its full tide with those three small boys , with that ambitious , importunate widower and that friendly ghost .
4 Bessie 's opinions on how babies should be cared for were given freely to Carrie and duly ignored by the young mother , who was aware that Bessie had never had children of her own .
5 Back came the pompous reply : ‘ We never attribute emotions to Her Majesty . ’
6 She had spent a lifetime obeying the rule of her childhood never to give way to her feelings in public , and like many .
7 You see , she never lost sight of her dream and everyone was welcome to share it .
8 She has never taken drugs in her life .
9 She never had children of her own : ‘ Not from choice , not at all .
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