Example sentences of "something that have [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I I last time I were there I went there for erm well to put it fairly straight I went to consult on something that 'd been done .
2 Benny and Eve watched fascinated , as he shook his head sorrowfully and seemed to agree with something that had been said to him .
3 When the political and moral credibility of the Soviet system collapsed in 1956 , something that had been slumbering in the depths of Sartre 's consciousness was suddenly reawakened .
4 ( v ) took a personal or financial responsibility for something that had been done by the addict in your life .
5 It was hardly going to be any great wrench to part with something that had been picked up so casually .
6 Claws braced on the wall beneath it , the thing strained upwards , rolling its dripping head in agony — and something that had been lying tight beneath it on the pavement slid from under its ravaged body and into the basement .
7 Surely this was something that had been threatening for years ?
8 There was no shadow , but the drifting tatters of smoke from something that had been burning were still swirling in the wind and rain .
9 He knew this was something that had been happening slowly for a long time , something that had to happen or he was lost , but it was such a brittle structure they were building , one word would topple it , shatter it , one word would be enough to jerk them back into that ordinary daylight where nothing could be changed or righted , nothing could unravel .
10 No a f a fossil is something that 's been turned to stone in the ground .
11 Did you never think , ‘ Here 's something that 's been neglected and so I 'll step in and begin collecting this ’ ?
12 No I am grateful to Mr because he 's finally crystallised in my mind something that 's been bugging me the longer I stay on this council about exactly what the Tories see their role here as and it 's now very clear to me , more than ever and that is that if you want to be obstructive and negative and if you go on long enough being obstructive and negative what you can end up doing is that you 'll find yourself eventually in a position going on long enough that you can make totally meaningless speeches but at least you 'll get nice headlines in the paper and that seems to me the whole essence of the Tory strategy .
13 I 'm a manufacturer , I like to make things , I like to hold something at the end of day and say that 's something that 's been created .
14 but I know there 's a , a LP or something that 's been brought out
15 So I think you can be assured that it 's not something that 's been put to one side , it 's something that we 're trying to build in to all the work we do , in whatever ways appropriate , but er , I accept that the the implications for your comment , that we 've got to be continually , er watching ourselves , to make sure that we do that .
16 I might see something that has been missed . ’
17 Elephants : if you actually shoot elephants in a controlled way you may in fact preserve the species , and that is something that has been done , though it is less important if everybody avoids using ivory and it is not worth killing the elephants at all .
18 Approval is given for something that has been done so the management arrow is somewhat behind the broken arrow .
19 Is it a sort of bonus approval for something that has been done particularly well or approval for an ordinary job well done ?
20 That is something that has been canvassed on many , many occasions .
21 This is something that has been advocated for disadvantaged communities across Europe but rarely gets past the rhetoric stage .
22 When we buy something that has been imported we are engaged in a typical economic transnational practice .
23 Give a detailed oral account of an event , or something that has been learned in the classroom , or explain with reasons why a particular course of action has been taken .
24 Film is something that has been edited and this should always be borne in mind when using it .
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