Example sentences of "mr [noun prp] [vb -s] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Everyone knows Mr Baker has edited the Faber Book of English History in Verse , and included some lines from Henry V , but even there he never got to that particular bit .
2 Mr Gummer has used the guest house for every Tory conference since his student days and he told friends that he has been rewarded for his continued custom with the best room in the house .
3 That may be why Mr Houghton has given the job of turning round the kitchenware business to Richard Dulude .
4 But , at little cost , Mr Museveni has won the hearts of most of his people , the Baganda .
5 This weekend Mr Gorbachev has walked the finest diplomatic tightrope .
6 Three months after Mr Day sought official clearance , Mr Walker has given the go-ahead .
7 The committee headed by Mr Nutting has issued the writs on behalf of 814 names but hopes that more will join the action .
8 In vetoing repeated efforts by the state legislature to adopt the death penalty ( it is still one vote short of a veto override ) , Mr Cuomo has taken the moral high ground — and does not seem to have lost votes by doing so .
9 After devoting much of the first ten years of his presidency to slow development of the institutions of democracy , Mr Mubarak has spent the past two in regression .
10 Following the recent press statement by Mr Michael Forsyth MP , Scotland 's Sports Minister , I write to inform you that Mr Forsyth has accepted the Scottish Sports Council 's view that the system first introduced at its request in 1987 whereby senior staff of the Council serve also as Members of the Council , should be discontinued .
11 Mr Field has joined the Society and I gather that he intends to put his practical skills to use for our benefit and make a model of the Bishop 's Castle signal .
12 Mr Skubiszewski has said the problem of East Germans who come to Poland to seek transfer to West Germany should be resolved in a humanitarian way .
13 Mr Walsh has led the Getty Museum since 1983 , before which time he held curatorial posts at the Museum of Fine Arts , Boston , and at the Metropolitan in New York .
14 Now Mr Hussein has offered the Kurds the autonomy they had been prepared to fight and die for .
15 No , I watch the way Mr Hogan has faced the world , and I try to learn from that . ’
16 Even the Euro-sceptical Mr Lamont has shifted the official line on EMU a few inches .
17 Its main power over the economy lies in its control of the central bank , but Mr Yeltsin has made the bank promise that it will issue only a quarter as much credit in the second three months of the year as it did in the first .
18 Since returning from the weekend meeting in Palm Springs , California , to which President Bush summoned him early this month , Mr Kaifu has seized the high ground at home in Japan 's efforts to avert a trade war with the United States .
19 Mr Kinnock has made the change all right , and , since he told us in his speech that he has acted with candour , we must believe him .
20 Every shift towards plausibility which Mr Kinnock has led the Labour Party into making has received a version of the same response .
21 Meanwhile , Mr Kinnock has accused the Conservatives of putting cash before health in its policies .
22 Mr Dayton has given the Institute many of its finest oils , by Manet ( ‘ The Smoker ’ , 1866 ) , Matisse ( ‘ Pensées de Pascal ’ , 1924 ) , Nicolas Mignard ( ‘ Venus and Adonis ’ , circa 1650 ) and van Goyen ( a riverscape at Utrecht , 1648 ) , along with works by Kandinsky , Kirchner , Bonnard and Mondrian .
23 Though Mr Clinton has pushed the bill through the House of Representatives , it faces a rough ride in the Senate ( see page 51 ) .
24 It is just their dignity as selves that is at issue , and Mr Jones has chosen the most powerful humiliation of all , that is treating them as within the social control of their parents .
25 Though not strictly a member of the cabinet , Mr Ozawa has given the prime minister considerable support and has in effect run the government 's day-to-day business .
26 Mr Burns has promised the original instrument panel and propeller for the project .
27 Mr Clarke has become the heir apparent .
28 New pay recommendations are due in the new year and , although Mr Clarke has told the review body that there must be pay restraint , ministers appear likely to press for the award to be met .
29 Mr Toubon has denied the rumour which circulated in Paris after the March General Election that he was going to shut down the trouble-torn Bastille Opera to carry out a complete technical and financial inventory .
30 Mr Major has invited the French president to dinner tomorrow in a bid to win his support .
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