Example sentences of "mr [noun prp] [vb mod] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Baker must keep up the peacemaking .
2 Mr Gummer should pick up Mr MacSharry 's ideas and remould them to meet sensible criteria .
3 Mr Whittaker will wire up your place to one of his alarms .
4 I knew I was going on too long , but I kept thinking that Mr Taylor would butt in and stop me if he wanted to .
5 If Mr Lawson can hold off a base rate rise at least until he can blame the Germans , that will make his political task a fraction easier ; but not much .
6 There is still a way out of this economic mess , if Mr Gorbachev can summon up the courage to take it .
7 Mr Pacey will take up his new post in London after the Summer .
8 The new Prime Minister was obliged , yesterday morning , to send a driver to find out the telephone number of one of his key ministers , before Mr Singh could pass on the good news of his appointment .
9 ‘ No , darling , but Mother and Lady Selvedge have come from quite a long way — miles , really — and those two young men talking to Ianthe are strangers , and I dare say Mr Stonebird will look in , ’ said Sophia comfortingly .
10 For a while , after the polls closed , it looked as if Mr Reynolds might pull off a stunning upset .
11 Mr Powell will step down at Christmas , days before Carlton takes over the franchise held by Thames on New Year 's Day .
12 Although Mr Flowerdew used to come down occasionally and see him : sometimes they would have a row and sometimes they were quite friendly .
13 Tomorrow Mr Westaby will carry out a substantial operation on an eighty-two year old man .
14 Does this suggest that Mr Patten should stand up to his critics ?
15 The Commissariat will henceforth be administered by Mr Simmons , and Mr Rayne will take up his duties at the ramparts ; his bearers , however , will remain to assist in the Commissariat .
16 Ruling that Mr Goodwin must hand over his notes by 3pm today , Mr Justice Hoffmann said that there was strong prima facie evidence that the company would suffer serious commercial damage from publication .
17 There 's no hurry for that now that the money 's been cut back , Mr Silver can go on economising on space and heat and lighting for his twelve women workers for a good few years yet , and in any case , no-one 's been round to check up on him for a long time now .
18 Mungo asked , gambling that , unlike the others , Mr Zamoyski might open up .
19 The demonstrators again demanded that Mr Krenz should step down .
20 Mr Bale would come back in two or three weeks and she need never see Nick Frazer again .
21 In what is regarded as a make-or-break move for his political career , Mr Lamont will set out to demonstrate a clear route out of recession while underlining the Government 's clamp on public spending .
22 That 's Mr Harry used to go up and help him .
23 With more than $20m-worth of Microsoft shares , Mr Shirley will sail off into the sunset in June , when he plans to retire .
24 Mr Yentob will take over Mr Powell 's post until an appointment is made .
25 Mr Butler will take over within three months .
26 The fact that Mr Lee can climb up to E1 suggests that he pushed himself into difficulties , in a scenario which must be familiar to most climbers or mountaineers .
27 Unless Mr Aznar can come up with a convincing exposition of his economic policies , he could see his lead slip away once again .
28 This has involved finding him venues for walkabouts and group discussions , where his staff think Mr Middle-England will come over well on television , even as they cut down on those wearisome charades , campaign ‘ photo opportunities ’ .
29 No one imagined that Mr Bush would intervene as abruptly as he did , or that Mr Kaifu would go off to Palm Springs without so much as a by-your-leave to the party barons .
30 Here Mr Kinnock should set out clearly why , in the Gorbachev era , negotiated rather than unilateral disarmament is almost always preferable .
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