Example sentences of "think be the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It gives me the opportunity not only of placing on the official record the Committee 's thanks to its staff for their work , not only of drawing to the attention of the House what I think is the first debate on community care to be initiated in the Chamber which is not part of a debate on another measure , but also of drawing attention to the number of firsts that we score with this report and debate .
2 I shall pick out what I think is the decisive sentence :
3 If they feel that the committee is erring they have a duty to intervene and point out what they think is the best course .
4 So after a little ‘ finding my way around ’ , I hit upon what I think is the best way to find the pole , using × 7 binoculars .
5 Write a letter detailing your experience in language learning , and explain what you think is the best way to go about it .
6 Dallas coach Jimmy Johnson , who had the consolation of seeing division rivals Philadelphia and Washington lose , said : ‘ Our team learned that it does n't matter who you think is the best team , what matters is who plays hardest . ’
7 in relation to the Conservative party 's current policy back to basics and all that I think is the appropriate expression to bear in mind .
8 And then you put that down where you think is the right place and you get really pissed off cos it 's moving really slowly and moving the board outline as well .
9 we I try and cover what we can in the lessons Not so much what we can but what I think is the right amount for you .
10 Er well selected for their standards that we think is the only way they could do it .
11 Boltwood believes that we all get stuck in what we think is the only reality .
12 So if you 're going to plan ahead , now , which I think is the only thing you can do in the circumstances … what I suggest is a with-profits endowment policy linked to a seven-year maturity date with yearly incrementals — optional , if you like , or you can build them in , it depends how optimistic you are about your career , ha ha — leaving a little bit of the schools fees to pay at the time , but there will be a big chunk taken out , that 's for sure … and do it off monthly standing orders of around … let's say … five hundred a month ?
13 In no more than ten words , express what you think is the major advantage of mixing Arelon WDG and Hoegrass …
14 In our judgment the plaintiffs are entitled , if so advised , to object to the remuneration on the ground that it is , to use the judge 's words , ‘ plainly excessive ’ or , as we think is the same criterion , unreasonably high .
15 and it is the phenotype which most biologists think is the genetic mechanism for evolution .
16 I am happy to join my hon. Friend in that tribute , which I think is the united view of the House .
17 You may have sacrificed the comfort of your ultra-soft toilet paper for what you think is the recycled stuff — but it is possible you are being conned .
18 So that was most popular , very busy person and er , since then more and more shops er have been bought by the Asians and now I think er we cater for , for every need and there are some pubs as well which have been bought by the Asian and The last straw I think is the Conservative club and bought by Mr and two of his er partners .
19 Which I think is the main reason actually .
20 Knights come first , then come DBEs , then come CBEs and so on and so forth , until you get down to the lowest award , which I think is the British Empire Medal .
21 What this is Mr Mayor an attempt by the Conservatives to create ghettos , to create ghettos for the unemployed and the low paid and the forthcoming victims of your leader 's welfare schemes I think is the likely likelihood of this .
22 Because , hopefully , the product of this discussion is that we 'll look at each grant , judge it on its merits , and then come up with what we think 's the right figure .
23 Now er they were having a concert and I think was the principal part and when he went to have his fee he said , Oh no you can send it to the Blaenau Ffestiniog .
24 ‘ She got on what I think was the wrong ride , and the tough part is that she was such a willing victim .
25 A hundred and seventy five I think was the last count that we have around the U K all selling advertising .
26 Christmas I think was the last time .
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