Example sentences of "made at the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 The catalogue , preceded by a conventional account of Bazille 's career and development , lists and illustrates just sixty-four surviving original compositions , several of which are clearly unfinished , and one copy made at the beginning of his career and based upon a picture by Veronese in his local museum in Montpellier .
32 At the outset it is necessary to reiterate the point made at the beginning of this chapter , namely , that accurate up-to-date and spatially relevant data on rural employment , like rural population , are difficult to obtain .
33 The announcement was made at the beginning of October .
34 I think back to the recommendations made at the inquest into that more tragic Cairngorm incident , now nearly 20 years ago , and my mind boggles .
35 The announcement was made at the opening of the ‘ Spassenje ’ ( Rescue ) charity appeal , whose aim is to make up the shortfall of $15 million dollars still needed to complete the gallery 's reconstruction .
36 In October Macmillan went into hospital and resigned as Prime Minister ; the implausible Lord Home , incorporating the highest virtues of the traditional Tory , succeeded him ( becoming plain Sir Alec in the process ) but no changes were made at the Ministry of Education .
37 But the other important element is that you have to reflect the style of the original , look at the notes I 've made at the bottom of the page , please .
38 In 1893 the following notes were made at the death-bed of a Dissenting Minister :
39 Usually a function word or affix can not be substituted , so substitution must be made at the slot with which the function word is more closely related , in this example the object or the verb .
40 In the middle of the decade , Michael Reeves stamped his mark on the horror genre with Witchfinder General ( 1968 , The Conqueror Worm in US ) , his last film made at the age of 23 for Tigon , set amidst the witch hunts of the English Civil War .
41 For most students , the decision to follow an arts path or a sciences path is made at the age of 16 , when choosing A levels ; for some students , it is made earlier , at 14 , or , for a very few students , those who have kept their options open , later , after A level .
42 This is particularly important , and I 'm now riding my own hobby horse , but in the area of science erm we have a situation that erm in most secondary schools choice has to be made at the age of thirteen , fourteen , by boys and girls as to which subjects they should take .
43 Now we await the entry into the Promised Land , the turning of the people into an independent nation of some renown ( you will remember that was the vision implied by the terms of the promises made at the start of Genesis 12 ) , and their becoming a source of blessing for ‘ all the families of the earth ’ .
44 SENSIBLY , speeches were made at the start of Sir Kingsley Amis 's 70th birthday party at the Savoy Hotel yesterday .
45 An edit is therefore made at the start of each shot , and this means that the record machine should be capable of making clean edits , in other words , that it should have the backspace facility ( see page 35 ) .
46 Bland believes that a catastrophic faux pas was made at the start of the 1980s when the Scandinavians introduced the red light against the South African golfers .
47 Although the concessions met the demands made at the start of an unprecedented national protest campaign on June 10 , they now failed to satisfy the opposition , who responded by continuing to call for Ratsiraka 's resignation .
48 The focus is therefore upon the services provided , but with an allowance made at the end for average housing and personal living costs , in order to make a sensible comparison between people living at home and those in institutions .
49 The famous social scientist , D. T. Campbell , once proposed a more naturalistic experiment , in which scores of towns would be selected and formed into two groups at random , the newspapers in each town would be persuaded to take part in the experiment by publishing phoney articles about the state of candidates , and comparisons would be made at the end between the two groups of towns ( Campbell 1951 ) .
50 As mentioned at the start of this chapter , forecasts made at the end of the 1970s now seem horribly pessimistic .
51 Thanks to the changing critical climate , the new ideas circulating among filmmakers and the relaxation of the censorship rules , the British films made at the end of the 1930s were much tougher and more emotionally charged , than anything that had gone before .
52 Mr Richard Aiken , counsel for BBC Enterprises , had told the court that a decision on whether to continue the BBC Europe service should have been made at the end of November but had been deferred until a meeting of the directors on December 29 .
53 To return to the second point about church growth made at the end of the second chapter , ‘ demand ’ is not the only factor in church growth ; one must also consider supply , and the Free Church was gradually coming into the position where it could service the new demand .
54 Payment of VAT has to be made at the end of each quarter ; that is 31 March , 30 June , 30 September and 31 December .
55 The beamed sitting room has an open fire and the appropriately named ‘ honesty bar ’ where guests are invited to help themselves to drinks , and then record their indulgences on a slate — charges are then made at the end of the visit .
56 Curiously , seals with these signs were still being made at the end of the Middle Minoan , around 1600 BC , and were entombed in buildings destroyed in 1470 BC , well after the appearance and general adoption of both Linear A and Linear B scripts .
57 While IBM Corp is still the most popular manufacturer in Spain , in 1992 both hardware and software sales from all vendors were below forecasts made at the end of 1991 .
58 Very few territorial changes were made at the end of the war , and none of any significance overseas .
59 However , residents at a hotel may be sold liquor during their residence , payment to be made at the end of their stay .
60 The disadvantages are that although most auctions allow a viewing period before the bidding starts , you have only a limited amount of time to examine the rugs , and full payment must be made at the end of the auction .
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