Example sentences of "made at [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Increasingly , decisions will have to be made at European level by properly accountable European institutions .
2 People have told me the lemon was to mask the taste of the uneven products made at that time by unscientific country brewers ; I do not believe that .
3 The efforts made at that time by Sartre , Camus , Merleau-Ponty et alia to rehabilitate Nizan achieved no more than to illustrate the impossibility of reasoned dialogue with the French communist party at moments of extreme ideological polarisation .
4 Deem herself acknowledges that the match between policy decisions made at one level of government and what actually happens in the classroom may be less than perfect .
5 If we aggregate together everyone in that ‘ dependent ’ age group , i.e. , those below the age of 16 and above pensionable ages remembering the heaviest demands on services are made at each end of the age range , the percentage of dependants to total UK population has indeed remained remarkably stable throughout this century — 30 per cent in 1901 , 36 per cent in 1951 , 41 per cent in 1977 — and it is likely to remain so for the remainder of the century ; it is projected to be 40 per cent in 2001 ( Grundy , 1986 , p. 21 ; table 5.4 ) .
6 Looking at the development so far , there is the need for CD trials in the near future ; plans should also be made at this stage for CDL and CDL trials as they will take longer to organize .
7 A distinction must be made at this stage between things which can be used to make unauthorized copies of programs , but which also have legitimate uses ( for example , computers with two disk drives and cassette players with twin tape decks ) and things specifically designed to overcome copy-protection such as software to be used to copy other software which has been copy-protected .
8 Mention should be made at this point of a responsibility of the Chemical Products business which is outside of the mainstream .
9 However , there are one or two qualifications which must be made at this point with respect to the human sciences .
10 Warnings made at this time of the imminent collapse of the East German economy were described by the Guardian of Feb. 10 as " designed to justify Dr Kohl 's abrupt reversal of policy " .
11 I , on a point of order Madam Speaker , I understand that a major announcement in connection with rail privatisation is being made at this moment by way of written answer and press conference erm the statement will reveal a huge increase in access charges for railway operators and ultimately therefore huge increases in costs for tax payers and passengers .
12 Now he 'll be able to use his own crop to make paper — which is made at this plant in Scotland .
13 In tabular form we have Therefore if a small change in t is made at constant radius inside the horizon , This is opposite in sign to the effect of a similar small change in t outside the horizon , namely
14 Disclosure may be made at any time between the creation of the fiduciary relationship between firm and customer and the act or omission which would otherwise constitute a breach of duty , or after the breach of duty has occurred , for example on a contract note .
15 Substitutions may be made at any time without penalty .
16 The section relates to any instrument that : ( i ) is executed in pursuance of an order of a court made on granting in respect of the parties a decree of divorce , nullity of marriage or judicial separation , or ( ii ) is executed in pursuance of an order of a court which is made in connection with the dissolution or annulment of the marriage or the parties ' judicial separation and which is made at any time after the granting of such a decree , or ( iii ) is executed at any time in pursuance of an agreement of the parties made in contemplation of or otherwise in connection with the dissolution or annulment of the marriage or their judicial separation .
17 In my judgment , this was an order which ought never to have been made at any stage of the case .
18 Where no guardian is appointed initially any party may apply for an appointment to be made at any stage in the proceedings ( FPCR , r10(2) ; FPR , r4.10(2) ) .
19 The case for immediate shelf representation in a public library is made at some length by Ranganathan , in his fourth library law — ‘ save the time of the reader ’ .
20 The Cambridge Group for the Study of Population and Social Structure ( CAMPOP ) have shown that in seventy communities where total lists of inhabitants were made at some point between the late sixteenth and the early nineteenth century the proportion of householders who were widowed was about 1:5 ; at Clayworth ( Notts. ) in 1688 it was higher than 1:4 .
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