Example sentences of "made [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Craiova was made hideous by a huge petrochemical works , but after that the road was flanked by beautiful scenery .
2 Contributions to both of these acquisitions have been made possible through a joint promotion with the Kellogg company of Great Britain .
3 I want to remind you os some achievements you have made possible during the past 13 years .
4 Its contents certainly merit much closer attention than on the whole has been made possible for the general public around Europe .
5 The agreement , reached after two years of negotiations , was made possible after the European Court of Justice ( the EC 's judicial body ) had changed a previous position and ruled--in a case brought by a Belgian village seeking to stop the dumping of Dutch waste-that waste was not a " commercial good " and could therefore by implication be exempted from the principle of free movement of goods enshrined in the European single market due to be introduced in 1993 .
6 Investment in sectors including infrastructure electricity and oil was to rise by 14.4 per cent , to be made possible by a foreseen 13.4 per cent increase in public revenues .
7 This is made possible by a patented transverse barrier on the upper surface of the tile , checking the flow of water .
8 Nizan 's rehabilitation in 1960 had been made possible by a gradual evolution in the political and ideological climate in France , itself reflected in Sartre 's own intellectual itinerary .
9 These ratings of a specific meaning were made possible by a two-stage assessment procedure carried out by the members of the research team , rather than using self-rating questionnaire methods .
10 Rapid recovery of pH i after intracellular acidification is made possible by a distinctive property of the Na + /H + exchanger , first demonstrated in renal epithelia by Aronson .
11 The emotional setting in which sermons could be preached was made possible by a sympathetic audience : indeed , reciprocity was essential .
12 In this context , it should be noted that the rapid demolition of the colleges of education which followed was made possible by a unique regulator placed in the hands of the Secretary of State ; unlike the universities which are protected by a degree of autonomy and the polytechnics which are subject to a variety of controls and influences , overall teacher-training numbers and their distribution between individual institutions are directly controlled by the DES .
13 Dr Porteous added that gene therapy testing had been made possible by the genetically-engineered mice developed by the MRC team last year .
14 This calculation was made possible by the recent discovery by nutritionists of the relationship between diet and health .
15 Butzer outlines a revolution in historical geomorphology that was made possible by the successful application of sedimentological techniques , by advances in isotopic dating , and by collaborative geo-archaeological efforts .
16 This balance between reliance and flexibility is made possible by the bilateral framework of conventionalism .
17 This policy announcement , which was designed to curb heavy state spending in the health sector , had been made possible by the strong growth of medical aid schemes in all communities [ see above for plan to desegregate some state hospitals ] .
18 The novel needs to be understood in the context of the modes of textual communication which have been made possible by the digital revolution .
19 The increase was made possible by the anticipated boost in oil export revenues from the new Rabi-Kounga oil field [ see p. 36922 ] .
20 Obviously members of the same species can live in harmony together and this is made possible by the chemical messages which pass between coelenterates to allow individual coral polyps in a colony to recognise and avoid stinging one another and to signal that other neighbouring colonies of the same species are not a threat .
21 And these were made possible by the new technical processes ( amplified sound , radio transmission of styles across social boundaries , studio instead of written composition , and so on ) .
22 And , by the same token , the emergence of language is made possible by the developmental achievements of the first two years .
23 In this writer 's opinion , the bill of lading 's transformation into a document of title was made possible by the notarial and fiduciary role vested in the ship 's master .
24 Moreover , this species propagation is ultimately made possible by the two features that Darwin sees distinguishing sexual from asexual generation : namely , maturation in the offspring and the interaction of two parents in their production .
25 While the Emperor 's personal determination counted for a great deal in the redevelopment of Paris , the transformation was really made possible by the general upsurge in the French economy which took place after 1850 .
26 The participation of the Director and staff at international meetings and conferences concerned with architectural documentation , including Europa 93 : in Venice and the inaugural meeting of Spanish architectural librarians held in Malaga , was made possible by the British Council and the host organisations .
27 The healing of the servant was made possible by the prayerful faith of someone other than the sufferer .
28 As we have seen , such changes are made possible by the assimilating influence of conventions .
29 Such legislation was a response to liberal humanitarianism but it was made possible by the inevitable tendency of industrial processes to require more skilled labour .
30 Many converters of churches which incorporate this arrangement have naturally regarded this space as a zone in which living-rooms might be accommodated , and the beneficial use of such roof space has largely been made possible by the widespread employment of standard reversible ventilating and double-glazed roof windows .
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