Example sentences of "made [adv] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) Service of committal orders should always be made personally on the contemnor. ( 3 ) Either Form N111 should be resurrected and amended to include a reminder that there is a right to apply to purge a contempt or Form N79 should be revised to take account of the fact that the proceedings may begin with an arrest under a power of arrest attached to an injunction issued under the Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1976 .
2 ( ii ) County court staff should be again reminded of the urgency with which the documentation of contempt cases should be undertaken and of the need to comply strictly with the rules and that service of committal orders should always be made personally on the contemnor .
3 Thieblot and Haggard emphasise that these observations are made only on the basis of ‘ preliminary analysis ’ and do not offer any empirical validation .
4 According to the official version of events , interceptions were made only on the authority of a warrant issued by the appropriate Secretary of State under his own hand .
5 A projection can be made only on the assumption that current levels or trends continue .
6 A decision is made only on the balance of probabilities .
7 ‘ Are you trying to tell me , ’ Richmann began dangerously , ‘ that these changes in plan have been made just on the basis of your superstitious intuition that the newest arrivals on the island are somehow dangerous ? ’
8 The decision not to simply take over the entire MoMA show was made partly on the grounds that the Pompidou has already mounted a major Matisse retrospective ( in 1971 ) , and partly through a desire to study in depth a period of the artist 's life now viewed as fundamental for the development of twentieth-century painting .
9 An ESRC-funded study at the department of psychology of the University College of Swansea of 52 people in their twenties with Down 's syndrome found that there is obviously confusion about who can and can not vote , that there is clear overlap in the abilities of those who vote and those who do not and that decisions on voting are not made strictly on the abilities of the person with Down 's syndrome .
10 Often ill-informed and repetitive , the debate has tended to ignore the interests of the client and has frequently been conducted by those whose minds are already made up on the issue .
11 Decisions can be made periodically on the basis of information gathered so far .
12 While one might expect eventual decisions to be made purely on the merits of the case , earlier evidence indicates that some objections are more likely to succeed in influencing decision-makers than others .
13 However this is a claim made solely on the evaluation of the IBM team and it has n't been given a stamp from the National Computer Security Centre .
14 Her startling assertion is made mainly on the basis of a three-year research project carried out by her for the Centre For Social and Moral Education .
15 I pause to state that I accept Mr submission that no claim for loss of pension has been made out on the evidence before me .
16 A large range of genuine Somerset baskets made here on the premises are on sale .
17 The high correlation of bursts of rapid eye movements with intense dreaming tended to encourage early investigators in their impression that the eye movements were following the actions of 70–80 per cent of vivid dreams.19 However , when blind matches of EOG records with dream narratives have been made simply on the basis of written evidence and the polygraphic record , matching of reports to records has been no better than chance .
18 If the claims were made simply on the basis of introspection without systematic observation in the community , they would be of precisely the same order ( except that they would be unaccountable and probably much less reliable ) .
19 These orders for observation or treatment were made either on the recommendation of two medical practitioners or , in the case of an emergency order , on the initiative of a relative or friend or a mental welfare officer with the backing of only one doctor .
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