Example sentences of "made [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Like so many of the films that were to be made during the Second World War , The Four Just Men does n't only draw attention to the nature of the enemy ; it also presents an evocative picture of just what it is that is under threat — ‘ all the roads and rivers , fields add woods and hills that make up this funny old island . ’
2 The first attempts at producing a problem-solving machine , or computer , were made during the Second World War as Allied scientists sought to break enemy codes .
3 ‘ I must not omit to tell you , ’ wrote Gould nonchalantly in a letter to Jardine on 16 January 1837 , ‘ that Mr Darwin 's Collection of Birds ( made during the late survey under Capn FitzRoy ) are exceedingly fine ; they are placed in my hands to describe ; some of the forms are very singular particularly those from the Gallipagos [ sic ] .
4 There is , however , no automatic right of entry to the Diploma and application for admission is normally made during the final year of a student 's degree course .
5 If the party against whom discovery is sought does not comply with the notice , application may be made to the district judge for an order by lodging an application with copy for service , but application is more frequently made during the pre-trial review under Ord 17 , or at the preliminary arbitration hearing .
6 Of the pianos made during the latter part of the 18th century and in the 19th century , those built in the English tradition most clearly demonstrate Cristofori 's design .
7 A TV documentary which includes tape recordings of Orkney children , made during the ritual abuse investigation , has been postponed .
8 The probability is that beads from English Neolithic long barrows and enclosures and described as made of shale or inferior jet came from the Kimmeridge locality in Dorset where bracelets are known to have been made during the Early Iron Age .
9 Whoever ends up fighting the election , Mr Kishen suggested , royal parentage will not matter as much to Bharatpur voters as the government 's abysmal record on rural development , inflation and corruption and its failure to fulfil promises made during the 1984 campaign .
10 He described the plan as a " significant step " towards the realization of his pledge made during the 1988 election campaign that there would be " no net loss " of wetlands .
11 The scattered efforts made during the eighteenth century to develop some form of systematic training continued ; but they were almost as desultory and short-lived as their predecessors , and little more effective .
12 This was seen by some as an attempt to improve his image abroad after remarks which he had made during the presidential election campaign to the effect that he was " untainted " with Jewishness .
13 Has my right hon. Friend seen the excellent report of Lancaster health authority , a copy of which I sent him , showing the immense progress that it has made during the past year — all within its budget ?
14 Investment in the monitoring and evaluation of social policy changes made during the post-war period in the UK has been very limited , relative to the vast costs of actually making the changes .
15 However , an important distinction must be made between the legitimate expression and engagement with such client feelings and the more unacceptable and personalised expression of aggression or threat towards workers .
16 Comparisons will be made between the actual business experiences of the sample and the expectations reported during the original interviews .
17 Although often referred to loosely as the " Yalta agreement " , the Commonwealth Soviet repatriation agreement signed on 11 February 1945 was quite separate from the main Yalta Agreement made between the Soviet Union and the Allies at the Crimea Conference .
18 External factors may be blamed for the general depression of mood and blamed for various damaging consequences but no connection may be made between the depressed mood and damaging consequences and the continuing use of the substance or behaviour of addiction .
19 A distinction should also be made between the particular style of character dance known in all the leading schools and the true folk dance performed by the people of a country .
20 A distinction is usually made between the theoretical mass balance and the actual mass balance .
21 An encouraging agreement has been made between the Lithuanian Government and Poland on the ethnic Poles in Lithuania , which we support .
22 In the previous chapter a distinction was made between the attitudinal function of intonation and several other functions that were given the collective names of syntagmatic functions .
23 ‘ The jump has been made between the scientific debate about passive smoking and the law , ’ says Peter Cashman , solicitor for the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations ( AFCO ) .
24 Recordings ( not shown ) were also made between the same reference electrode and the thread electrode ( B ) connected to the stem between the cotyledonary node and leaf 1 .
25 In a detailed study of the contacts made between the isolated POU domain and POU HD of Oct-1 on the Ad2 sequence , Verrijzer et al .
26 The contract made between the third person and the finance company will , depending upon its terms , be a contract either of guarantee or of indemnity .
27 On Exmoor , a similar legal distinction was made between the royal forest and surrounding commons , clearly seen on ‘ The Map of Exmore ’ of 1675 .
28 The unilateral ceasefire statement , made through the International Committee of the Red Cross , said that if the government " reciprocates positively " then the LTTE would enter into peace talks .
29 The loan is being made through the International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) , the bank 's private sector arm , which environmentalists accuse of acting as if it were exempt from the Bank 's environmental directions .
30 In the unlikely event of an incident occurring , contact will be made through the Environmental Department to the relevant authority or enforcement body and the necessary corrective action will be taken immediately .
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