Example sentences of "made [verb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this , the scene is divided into three sections both horizontally and vertically , and the idea is to line up the shot so that the main features are made to come at the intersections of the imaginary dividing lines .
2 The team realized that little effort had ever been made to look at an area of activity which tended to be regarded as a ‘ necessary evil ’ and one which was very time consuming and most invasive of their private lives .
3 Rather than try to disentangle the scores of relationships examined between animals and plants in this area by putting them into categories of predation or dispersal mechanism , an attempt is made to look at the relationships of particular taxonomic groups of animals and their food plants .
4 I felt that no attempt was being made to arrive at an analysis of our situation based on the specificity of our experience as lesbians and gays .
5 Arrangement can be made to stay at the Hotel at a greatly reduced price .
6 It will be in everyone 's interests to ensure that accounts are taken and valuations made promptly and , perhaps , if the involvement of a third party as independent valuer , arbitrator or mediator is contemplated to break any deadlock , that a time limit be imposed for agreement inter partes. ( b ) Calculation of what is due to the outgoing partner The first and obvious step in the valuation process is the taking of an account up to the date when the outgoing partner dies or leaves the firm , unless that happens or ( except in the case of a death or bankruptcy ) is made to happen at the end of the firm 's normal accounting period .
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