Example sentences of "in the [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 An opening chapter on silk fragments from China , Persia and the Middle East brings in the central theme of her narrative the passage of materials and techniques from one area to another .
2 The satellite 's primary role is to fill in the existing picture of the heavens , revealing stars , galaxies , clouds and so on that are not seen at the shorter optical and ‘ near ’ infrared wavelengths ( less than 5 micrometres ) , or at the longer wavelengths observed by radio telescopes .
3 Directory , so if you would like to be included and have n't told us yet , please fill in the appropriate part of the questionnaire .
4 He extended scant courtesy , even to Taheb , and despite his wealth his servants only brought in the minimum guest-offering of bread and beer .
5 There is a totally painless way of establishing whether summer is really over , and that is to fill in the following checklist of autumnal signs as they occur .
6 He it was who ushered in the new head of state to the dais in Prague Castle where the oath was sworn .
7 This brings in the other theme of how money can corrupt which is obviously shown by the ways in which Pip 's attitude changes towards those around him by becoming condescending towards them and showing little respect and compassion .
8 Turn in the other end of the tape , leaving the cords free for pulling up .
9 A few cookery demonstration tickets may still be available at a cost of £2.50 each , so fill in the relevant part of the coupon with details of your choice .
10 Rory leaned against him , breathing in the familiar smell of his aftershave , feeling strangely heady .
11 He is particularly interested in the way that words and sentences change their meaning according to the context in which they are said and heard , and in the ways in which we all fill in the unspoken background of what is said to us .
12 So under the surface of the thick glass lay a mass of long gold threads , filling in the whole cavity of the box with their turns and tumbles , so that at first the little tailor thought he had come upon a box full of spun gold , to make cloth of gold .
13 Now we 're gon na fill in the top half of the board , are n't we ?
14 Mark has two ways of emphasising the fact that Jesus is fully and uniquely endowed with the Holy Spirit in his role as Son and Servant of Yahweh , who brings in the kingly rule of God in the end-time .
15 There is some leeway as to when you choose to bring in the next hod of coal and restoke your boiler , but not a lot ; leave it too long and the fire goes out , and you must start all over again .
16 His conquests transformed the ancient world and ushered in the Hellenistic age of great monarchies .
17 Sam looked out over the flooding river and breathed in the damp smell of the morning as if testing wine for bouquet , and I thought that he lived through his senses to a much greater degree than I did and was intensely alive in his direct approach to sex and his disregard of danger .
18 It includes an option for a table in which case you fill in the same sort of data form as shown above but what is displayed on the slide is the completed grid .
19 Less on on er less unless unless we split full pages and go into halves and that brings in the same sort of revenue thereabouts but just happens to spread
20 I did as he told me , eidetically filling in the missing mass of water .
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